For starters I want to say thank you to my parents, thank you for giving me the life you believe I deserve to the best of your ability. I want to say I'm sorry to those who parents didn't because of different things you have no control over.
With this being said, I'm not sorry that my parents have given me things throughout my life to help me. Yes, my car I drive and clothes on my back were provided by my parents but it doesn't mean I don't work for what I have. One of the comments I hear more often than not is "I wish my parents handed everything to me like yours do." This comment has been getting under my skin for years until recently when I finally realized that even if that statement was true and my parents did "hand everything to me", it's not my fault.
The statement you don't choose your parents is completely true, I did not choose my parents and I did not choose how they treat me. My parents are adults and they are the ones who dictate how they spend their money. If they decide to spend their money on my siblings and I that is their choice, not mine. I do not like how throughout my years growing up I had to constantly hear how my parents give me everything and it is not fair.
I have. The minute I turned 16 I started working and have worked some kind of job ever since, and still do. My parents take care of certain bills in my life my minimum wage job cannot. This past year I have taken on the responsibility of paying my own rent and other bills with my own money. Yes, my parents occasionally give me money, yes majority of the time if I ask for something they'll give it to me but that doesn't make me a bad person. I cannot help that my parents want to give me everything they possibly can. Even if they don't see the point in whatever I am asking for if it is something I really want they will do everything in their power to get it for me. I cannot help that my parents want to provide for me to the best of their ability.
Just because my parents do these things and other parents don't for their children does not mean that mine love me any more than they love theirs. It simply means my parents are able. Why should I be put down for this fact? It's not fair that we tell others to be kind to those who are not financially able but we do not practice the same kindness to those who are. The world constantly has their hands out to those of us who are physically and mentally able to go out and make money to support ourselves and our families.
Stop shaming those whose parents can provide the financial support we need. We are all loved, we are all blessed. Some of our blessings come in different ways.