I am a completely competent 21 year old woman. I've studied in public and private institutions for 17 years. I don't know about you, but to me that means that I'm pretty well educated. Yet, I have no idea how to file my taxes.
Being a twenty-something is the most confusing time of your life. You're somewhere between being an adult and being a teenager. Your life is consumed with work, school, friends and trying to figure out who you are. You aren't quite adult enough to know the difference between washing clothes on hot or cold, but you do know to separate your whites from your colors. It's a confusing time, and you're just expected to succeed.
Like I said, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I'm just doing what I'm expected to do. Go to school, and become an educated young woman. Yet, I'm still expected to be married by 30 and have kids by 35. That is so stressful. My priorities right now are to not be broke, drink enough water and to not be a failure. But what exactly does that mean, to not be a failure?
In my opinion, if I'm happy with how my life is going, I am not a failure. Every twenty-something is going to struggle with their identity. It's your coming of age time. You're finally getting that freedom that you've always wanted, but you still need help. I think there is this stigma of asking for your parents to help you along, but I bet that their parents helped them as well. You can't expect to know everything. Hell, I can't even rent a car yet. But I know that I am a capable and confident young person who is not a failure.
Regardless of if I feel completely secure in my life, or if I feel like I have so much growing left to do, I am a twenty-something. I have the ability to create a whole life for myself that I will enjoy for years to come. I am capable of doing something fantastic for myself. I may not have it all together yet, but I'm getting there, and that journey is all the more fun when you don't know what to expect. Embrace the unexpected. Find humor in the struggle. If you can't laugh and grow from your mistakes than you're not living, right?
Ultimately, live your life. This is a time of your life that you'll never get back. If creating a family is what will make you happy, do that. If getting an education is what you're striving for, do that. Maybe you want to travel the world, do it. This is your moment to become who you want to be.