Assumption: All Hispanics speak Spanish.
Truth: That is a Lie.
Now many (cough, cough, white people or people born and raised in Central or South America) will assume that because your ethnicity is Hispanic, that means that you must have grown bilingual right? Wrong, in fact according to Pew Research Center, a record of "33.2 million Hispanics in the U.S. speak English proficiently. In 2013, this group made up 68 percent of all Hispanics ages five and older, up from 59 percent in 2000."
Even though there are a huge population of Hispanics who don't speak Spanish, there is an unspoken rule that you can't be Hispanic if you don't speak Spanish.
To put this in a non-Spanish speaker Hispanic's perspective when someone talks in Spanish:
And we feel the judgment all the time from memes like:
But we really want to sarcastically say this:
Remember, Hispanic-born people in the United States have had to assimilate, meaning those people learn English to become educated and make it in the American society! Most Importantly, not speaking Spanish doesn't make you less Hispanic.