Don't get me wrong, I love my family to death. It just gets a little unnerving when every holiday I get asked, "So do you have a boyfriend?" or "How's your love life going?" or the worst: "Are you still single?" I understand that they are just trying to make conversation and catch up but the fact of the matter is: no, I do not have a boyfriend. And no, I am not upset about it.
I am a 19 year old girl who is loving her life. I am currently enrolled in a university and I am taking classes that I am truly interested in. I am on the right track to being successful in life, which is what every person should be striving for. And I did all of this without having a boyfriend on my side.
The key is to have a great support system. The romance can come later. I surround myself with great friends and family who support me with everything I need. Sure, if something romantic happens to swoop into my life I am not going to shy away from it, but I am also not going to be searching for it either. I have better things to do. I have homework, a social life (or trying to have one), internships, clubs, the list goes on. Adding a boyfriend to that list just adds for more complications.
Too many people are so concerned with finding that special someone. Why? You should be more concerned on setting your own goals and achieving them, because the person whose opinion counts the most is yourself. Self love is so important and in order to eventually find that person, you need to love yourself first. As RuPaul states, "If you ain't gonna love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?"
You deserve better. You deserve more than sitting staring at your phone all night waiting for that person to text you back. Instead, call up your friends and go see that new movie that just came out. Or have a dance party. Or do both! Whatever makes you truly happy, do it.
No, I don't need a boyfriend and no, you don't either.