Here are a few ways to minimize feelings stressed around Christmas time and just enjoy the holiday instead.
Make Lists
Yes of course everyone will ask for your Christmas list, that isn't what I'm talking about. It is super helpful to sit down and make a list of everyone you need to shop for and what you are going to buy them. Then no one is forgotten last minute and you maximize your time because you won't be aimlessly looking around for what might be a good gift. It is also very useful to write down what events you have around this time, along with what dishes you may want to bring.
Don't Wait Until Last Minute
This applies to so many things; hosting Christmas, shopping, wrapping gifts, etc. A lot of you are probably reading this one thinking to yourself that you won't procrastinate this year even though you'll most likely be shopping on Christmas Eve. Don't. Try to make it a goal for yourself to have your shopping done at least a week and a half before whatever things you may be going to. This includes Christmases that you have before Christmas. If you are able to get it done in advance you won't have to worry about wrapping the day of while also trying to cook whatever dish you're bringing. If you are hosting have everything set up the night before so all you have to do the day of is cook.
Yes, I am indeed only 18 and quite frankly don't have that many expenses. However, I also don't have a lot of income. I've learned that I am actually expected to buy people gifts these days because my parents don't just write my name on the gifts they buy. Figuring out how much you want to spend on each person and when you will be able to buy these gifts is super important so you don't go broke. But also so that you don't realize you don't have enough money to shop for everyone you need to.
Get Crafty
Getting crafty can be time consuming but worth it. If you don't have a whole lot of money to spend, this can help you especially at Christmas time. I recommend Pinterest or youtube because you can find a ton of cute and easy ideas.
This is a good time to remember that not everyone has it so easy. Volunteering is always good, but especially during the holiday season as it gets colder and many people don't have shelter or food. Donating a few hours of your time will not only make you feel good, but will also benefit someone. If you look online there are many ways to sign up for your local food bank, soup kitchen, or even just to ring Salvation Army bells.
Take Care of Yourself
Last but not least, don't let all of the overwhelming aspects of this season take over your life. You have to take care of yourself in order to stay happy and healthy. Do a face mask, watch some Netflix, and drink a cup of cocoa. It's always important to make sure you're in a good mental state.