"Hi, I am [Insert Name Here]."
"Hi [Insert Name Here]."
"I was a Bernie Sanders' supporter in the primary. It's been a long hard road since that soul crushing moment when Bernie endorsed Hillary Clinton, but I think I'm ready to talk about it."
Alright, let's get started. I've heard it all since that controversial moment when Bernie endorsed Hillary, "Bernie is a sell-out", "What happened to the campaign money?", "How could he afford a $600,000 house?" and many more questions from concerned supporters and conspiracy theorists.
Granted, after Bernie spent an entire campaign fighting everything Hillary Clinton stands for, and then endorsing her, it's natural for people to have these questions.
Let's get this straight first and foremost, Bernie is in no way poor, he's been making a six figure salary in the government for years now, and his wife isn't poor either. A man well into his seventies buying a little lakeside house to relax is nothing crazy after a lifetime of hard work, and if it was anyone else buying a house there, no one would question it.
Now, with that little conspiracy theory out of the way, let's actually look at what Bernie has done since he endorsed Hillary. Recently he has launched a new political movement, "Our Revolution", with the goal of creating a progressive government by getting ordinary people more involved in the Democratic process. On top of that, he's been endorsing many people who are running for candidacy in different government positions.
Bernie has simply been working hard to get progressives into government seats, and honestly, it's been working. Many progressives are winning primaries in their states and have a good chance of moving forward and winning their general elections. Basically, an endorsement from Bernie is a golden ticket.
Bernie, without a doubt, hasn't changed his ideals and his recent work shows that he still stands behind his progressive ideals. Endorsing Clinton is him realizing he has no other option other than her to defeat Trump. And now, before you jump my bones, I'm aware of Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. Now, I would love to see a 3rd party candidate take the title, but Bernie, like many Americans, probably didn't see either of them as viable options to defeat Trump (and yes, you can argue forever about which one of them is worse).
As for the last question, what did Bernie do with all his campaign money? Well, most likely it's still within the DNC system, but there's no credible information out there and anyone who claims to know is most likely spouting off of a conspiracy.
Here's what we need to understand, Bernie lost. Losing is never pretty, but he fought hard and strong. Now, we the people have options like never before seen in our lifetime. Bernie started writing the story, it's up to us to finish it.