“Stoner girls beat drunken girls any day.”
This quote has popped up on my Facebook feed numerous times in the past few months. Every time I see it, I let out a heavy sigh. The media is buzzing with the legalization of marijuana and many people are listening and trying marijuana for themselves. Marijuana has become more accessible than ever and not many people talk about the negatives -- if there is a mention of negatives, they will tell you that there aren’t any. Now, let me say that I am not against the use medicinal marijuana, and I do have respect those who use it recreationally. However; you do not have to be stoned or drunk to have an enjoyable get-together with your friends.
I am 19 years old and I have never had any desire to drink or smoke at all. Quite unusual, as most of the people my age are already frequent marijuana users or drinkers. I see their tweets, and every time they are headed out for a night, they are looking for someone to get them weed or buy them some alcohol. It’s like they see any type of social activity as a reason to get stoned or drunk -- even if it’s simply going to the movie theater or going shopping. Do you really need to be under the influence for that? I see it as amazing that they don’t even try to go out without it, they need it before they even leave the house.
I avoid many social events, not only because I love Netflix more than most people, but because I really do not enjoy being around people who will not remember the event because they were under the influence. I have been around people while they’re high and they truly aren’t enjoyable. They aren’t funny or entertaining, but incredibly obnoxious. Also, the topic of conversation is always about marijuana. Talking about how great it is or what they use to smoke it. No matter what other topics you bring up, they will always find a way to lead it back to their marijuana usage.
I went to a concert recently and I waited outside the venue for a couple hours before the show, in hopes that the frontman would come out and say hello. He did! But that’s beside the point. There were many people who also got in line early, and they were constantly smoking marijuana. That band comes to town only once a year and they always put on an incredible show. It amazes me that there are people who go into the show and leave without any memories. You can see it on their face -- they aren’t paying attention at all. There was only a handful of us who were not stoned, and I feel that we are the real winners. We didn’t look zoned out, but we were singing out loud and waving our lights in the air during the deep songs. We left with a clear picture of what the frontman was wearing and vivid memories of how lovely his voice sounded. The ones who were stoned the whole time didn’t leave with any solid memories.
I am not here to tell them that what they’re doing is wrong, but I do want to challenge them. Many marijuana users claim that marijuana is not addictive, but they do it daily because “they want to.” Okay. Then I challenge you to go one week without it. Create fun by yourself, without being under the influence of anything. Remember the night before. Pick up a new hobby. Talk about other topics. Go catch some Pokemon. Enjoy your family and friends. Enjoy your evening and let there be no haze.