I will not apologize. No, I will not apologize for being myself. I will not apologize for being a red head, never if I am a blonde. No, not even for the grey hair over my crown. I will not apologize for mollycoddling those strata of indiscernible butter that has been wadding my well, not-so-juicy jawline. I will not apologize for looking like a “potato” or for not looking like one.
I will not apologize for having that stubbed nose, let alone for that slightly warped front. I will not apologize for having “too-much” lips, most definitely not for having none at all. I will not apologize for my virtually-absent eyebrows, not even for the thick bushy forest over my light, sometimes-too-small, sometimes-too-angled peeper. No, I will not.
I will not apologize for having a body too thick, or for not having one in the least. I will not feel sorry for not being able to touch that lofty hoop with those pygmy hands, or apologize even if I do. I will not apologize for mounting a six pack or for chugging it all at once. I will not apologize for having a pair of boobs and a vagina, or for having a stick too long.
I will not apologize for wearing grandma flats, nope, not at all for wearing stilettoes. I will not write you an apology for wearing red every day, at every occasion. I will not apologize for being a fashion menace. No I will not. I will not owe you apology for not having the best attire at a party, not even for catching every eye in the room. I will not feel miserable for not complementing my “man” enough and not at all, for complementing too much.
I will not apologize for having feelings or for not having at all. I will not apologize for having my own opinion. No, I will not apologize for having a voice, or none at all. I will not apologize for having no friends. I will not apologize for being an introvert.
I will not apologize for being a Muslim, never if I am Christian, Hindu or Jewish. I will not apologize for wearing a burqini definitely not if I am wearing a swimsuit. I will not apologize for being too white, too black or too brown.
I will not feel sorry for being a victim to his lust, never at all for getting a pay to calm the thirst.
I will not apologize for having a keen vision or for no sight at all.I will not apologize for being a strong woman, no I shall not bow down for being a “weak” man. I will not apologize for having more power than a man, definitely not for working under a female boss. I will not apologize for being a working mom, never will I ever apologize for spending all my hours playing king to my tiny princess.
I will not apologize for driving a BMW never if I am riding a splintered bike. I will not apologize for working five jobs to make a living for one, not even if I am travelling the world in business class.
I will not apologize for putting myself before any other. I will not apologize for wanting more or for having no wants whatsoever. I will not apologize for being myself. I will not apologize for being a human.