It has been a few weeks, and I have had time to gather my thoughts regarding the 2016 election.
And I have come to the conclusion that nobody gets to tell me how to feel.
I can scream and cry and yell but I have to remember to be kind. And to be patient.
I am not over it and I don’t have to be. Sometimes I feel sudden pangs of sadness, but largely I feel calm. But not complacent.
I finally feel hopeful. On Monday, I had the opportunity to hear and meet The VP of Communications for Emily’s List (who actually lived in my dorm room when she went to St. Thomas), Marcy Stech.
Emily's List is an organization based in Washington D.C that works to elect pro-choice democratic women to local, state, and federal office. They have over 3 million members and boast over 800 victories. Since their inception in 1985, they have raised over $400 million.
As Stech explained the work that she does, I began to feel hope. Emily’s List’s dedication to finding and electing pro-choice democratic women is needed now more than ever. Since the election, Emily’s List has received a staggering amount of donations as well as inquiries about running for office.
Stech explained how there are more bad-ass women working to break that glass ceiling. Tammy Duckworth, Stacey Abrams, Patty Murray, Kamala Harris- just to name a few. Hillary Clinton has paved the way for the first woman president- and that woman is in office right now. No doubt she has a difficult road ahead of her, but that road might have less bumps and hurtles.
Women need to tell their stories.
We all have shared experiences that unite us.
It took me a while to feel comfortable with the loss. I have accepted it. Yet I know now that hateful rhetoric will not be met with complacency.
We will not be complacent. We are fighting back. This is not the end. This will be the fight of our lives. But I feel lucky to be able to fight.