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15 Games Anyone Who Had A Nintendo DS As A Kid Will Instantly Recognize

Get out your styluses!

Kids Playing on Nintendo DS

With Christmas around the corner, I've been having flashbacks to the gifts I used to receive as a kid. Nintendo DS games were definitely some of my favorite! If you grew up with a Nintendo DS, I guarantee you've played at least one of these games.

1. Nintendogs



Playing this after school was the next best thing to coming home to an actual dog. Name something better than virtual puppy playdates!

2. Kirby Super Star Ultra

Kirby Super Star Ultra

I absolutely loved how there was a different helper for every power (and they're all adorable)!

3. Cooking Mama

Cooking Mama

Cooking Mama was one of the most iconic cooking games out there!

4. Mario Party DS

Mario Party DS

Playing this on long car rides with my siblings made time fly by! My brother and I got super competitive whenever we played the minigames.

5. Mario Kart DS

Mario Kart DS

Every console needs a good racing game!

6. Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum

Pokemon Diamond

Every Pokemon game has a special place in my heart, but this is one I remember playing vividly as a kid.

7. Drawn to Life

Drawn To Life

A game that combined art, stories, and video games was like a dream come true for me. This was by far one of my favorite games as a kid!

8. Brain Age

Brain Age

This is one of the few educational games I've come across that was actually fun.

9. Scribblenauts


This game was all about thinking outside the box and always kept your gears turning. Games like this are why I can think on my feet!

10. Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing let gamers discover a whole new world of little animal friends! I remember legitimately getting emotional when one of the in-game characters had to move away.

11. Warioware Touched!

Warioware Touched

I think keeping up with this game is where I got my quick reflexes.

12. Rhythm Heaven

Rhythm Heaven

I personally never owned this game, but my little cousin let me borrow it once and it's pretty addicting. Also, any game that incorporates music into it is bound to catch my attention.

13. Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Professor Layton

This was my brother's all time favorite game. If you're into puzzles and mystery novels, this is the game for you!

14. Littlest Pet Shop: Winter

Littlest Pet Shop Game

You were already collecting all of the toys, so buying the game was the logical next step.

15. Purr Pals

Purr Pals

This was similar to Nintendogs, except for when you needed your daily kitty fix!

Just looking at these game covers is making me all nostalgic!

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