As the semester (almost) draws to a close, I've got to admit that these few months have been some of the funniest of the year. With that being said, I think we all share a mutual disbelief regarding the speed and intensity of spring semester. How many of these have you thought of for the last few months?
1. “I’m going to get my shit together.”
…said everyone ever. It was a new semester, and we were all hopeful about doing our best. We reflected endlessly on the mistakes we made last semester and sought to do better this time around. We went to great extents to motivate ourselves to get back on track and convinced ourselves that college is the best thing ever.
2. “No more procrastinating.”
Yeah, this definitely happened, and I guess you couldn’t do anything about it. Throwback to our overzealous ambitions to cut off time from our lounging around or our sprints on YouTube and Netflix. They’re too precious.
3. “Why is it still so effin’ cold?”
This is a natural reaction to the title of "spring semester." It’s not actually spring, as we’ve all come to terms with; it’s more like "winting," in which winter-like conditions dominate most of the weather. (Cough cough, why can it still be 40 degrees in New Jersey in April?) We are all just yearning for that warm weather to start dousing us in sunshine. Speaking of warm weather…
4. “I need to get out of hibernation.”
I don’t know about you guys, but I am not just like a bear, I think I am a bear (or any animal that gorges itself spherical and plops in a hole to sleep in when it gets cold). I eat, I do work, I stay in my room, I hate the cold. But then there’s that day when the sun actually comes out and it’s more than 50 degrees, which leaves you thinking, “Shoot I need to start going to the gym.” That beach body isn’t going to be made in a day, honey, I’m sorry to tell you that.
5. Spring break
I thought spring break was much better than winter break (considering we have finals after winter break), I found that I could actually relax and catch up during this week. (Seriously!) But all in all, spring break is a pretty lit week, whether people are traveling the world or staying at home chilling, it’s a good time to be alive until you realize there isn’t another break after that.
6. “What just happened?”
Everything was going easy, but then you realize it was just because those first few weeks of the semester were your professors easing you into the class. Suddenly, it goes from 0 to 100 in a millifraction of a blink of an eye. It seems that, out of nowhere, you’re inundated with work and overloaded on every other social or extracurricular commitment. Then there’s always that side drama taking place, and you’re suddenly questioning life.
7. “Oh goodness, where in the world did the semester go?”
Spring semester seems to fly by so much faster than the fall semester. It’s around this time that the thought of you becoming a year older and ascending an academic level in college hits you like a bullet train. Spring semester is like a sneak attack – it creeps up on you, beats you up and then leaves you to recuperate. It probably also gave you a good whack on your head, leaving you wondering how you got to this point in the first place.
8. “Taking tests on days with absolutely gorgeous weather outside should be illegal.”
You have to love finals. Along with your overdosing of caffeine, lack of sleep and hopes to have a life, the world could not possibly give you more stress than this, right?
9. “Give me the summer, give me the ocean.”
You’re ready to bolt like the roadrunner toward the glistening sunset on the beach. Whether it be an internship, a relaxing month at home or in another country, studying abroad, doing research nearby, volunteering or all of these together, you are so ready for days without classes at school. I know, I am. It’s all fun and games until September hits again, and you know what that means.