9 Things To Do With Your Time Now That "Game Of Thrones" Ended | The Odyssey Online
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9 Things To Do With Your Time Now That "Game Of Thrones" Ended

Because a year is a long time to wait for the new season.

9 Things To Do With Your Time Now That "Game Of Thrones" Ended

Another year, another wrapped-up season of what seems to be America’s favorite TV series, "Game of Thrones." The finale left us literally at sea, itching for season seven’s epic-ness to begin. We’ve got a whole year to wait, and a year is long, but here’s a list of things to do to keep us all occupied in the meantime.

Beware: This post is dark and full of spoilers.

1. Catch up on Fan Theories

Now that one of the show’s biggest fan theories, R + L = J, has been confirmed, you may be wondering what to do with your time. But fear not! New fan theories about "Game of Thrones," based on the things we found out from season six and from what we know of Martin’s "Winds of Winter," are already underway. To get started, take a guess at Jon Snow’s real name, that swirling orb in the opening credits, or whether or not we’ll ever get to see Lady Stoneheart on the show.

2. Read (or Re-Read) the Books

The show was adapted from books for a reason: George R.R. Martin’s novels are spectacular. The first three run like fast-paced thrillers that keep you on toes; the latter two build the story, and begin to meditate on what it means to govern in the aftermath of war and what it means to be a good ruler. Plus, the show and the television series are not exact equals; reading the books before the start of season seven will introduce you to plenty of new characters that were omitted from the show as well as tons of Westerosi history, and may give you new insight to what lies ahead.

3. Re-Watch the Series

Another thing to do to get you primed for season seven is to re-watch the series. Right now, there’s about 60 hours of the show in total. That’s enough to watch one to two episodes per week before the new season airs. Take a look back, relive some of your favorite (dead) characters, and be sure to say goodbye to Robb Stark this time before the Red Wedding.

4. Explore Other Projects with GoT Actors

Do you miss seeing the familiar faces of "Game of Thrones" week to week? If it’s the actors you’re missing, find some of their other projects. Most recently, you can see Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) in the romance "Me Before You." You can also check out Sean Bean (Ned Stark) in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and if you believe that Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Bolton) can’t be anything but evil, then check out E4’s "Misfits."

5. Browse HBO GO and HBO Now

If you’re like me, you use HBO GO for one reason: to watch "Game of Thrones." Then, your account goes inactive (or you cancel the subscription altogether) until the following season. This is a mistake. Use GoT’s rest period to get acquainted to some of HBO’s other smash hits. There’s "The Sopranos," "True Blood," "The Wire," "True Detective"... Take your pick and dive in.

6. Get Excited about Other Book-to-Series Projects

Sure, the absence of "Game of Thrones" is a loss, but there’s another great book-to-series adaptation in the works. Starz’ adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s "American Gods" is set to premiere in early 2017, and while you’re missing the Starks, the Lannisters, and the Targaryens, this is the perfect time to get to know Shadow Moon and Mr. Wednesday.

7. Travel to the Set

A year is a long time, and the Brexit had one silver lining for us Americans: the exchange rate between the American dollar and the euro or the pound is now perfect for a trip to see some of the places where "Game of Thrones" films. You can find Winterfell and the King’s Road in Northern Ireland, the House of the Undying from season two in Dubrovnik, Croatia, the castles of Dorne in Spain, and if you’re willing to brave the area north of the Wall, then a trip to Iceland may be in your favor.

8. Visit Real-Life Direwolves

While in Ireland on your "Game of Thrones" travels, you can stop to meet the show’s Northern Inuit pups, who played the Starks’ five direwolves. If Ireland is a bit far, see if you can find a local pet shop or breeder who will let you show those direwolves some love.

9. Stock up on Products Inspired by the Show

The best way to mend a broken heart is shopping, right? Check out this list from Buzzfeed for some awesome "Game of Thrones" merchandise, from tanks that say "Valar Morghulis" to stickers of the Iron Throne for your laptop. Your new toys will be enough to comfort you until season seven arrives.

The wait is long, but we’ll get through it together. Besides, after you complete all the items on this list, season seven will surely be here.

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