9 Reasons Why "Jane The Virgin" Should Be Your New Netflix Addiction | The Odyssey Online
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9 Reasons Why "Jane The Virgin" Should Be Your New Netflix Addiction

This telenovela inspired drama will have you screaming "Quiero más!".

9 Reasons Why "Jane The Virgin" Should Be Your New Netflix Addiction
Channel Four Television

As an avid Netflix viewer I have watched and completed almost every show they have to offer. I've exhausted everything from "Gossip Girl", "One Tree Hill", "Blue Mountain State" and "Friday Night Lights" to "Criminal Minds" and "Bones". You name it, I've seen it. This leaves me with the arduous task of finding a new show to obsess over. However, this is not as easy as it may seem. Due in part because I have already seen a majority of their noteworthy shows, but also in part because I needed something new to capture my attention. I needed something different, something that would draw light to a new and less overplayed storyline. Well ladies and gents, I am proud to announce that I have found that very thing in "Jane the Virgin" staring the hilarious Gina Rodriguez. Now you are probably thinking the exact same thing I did: "A show about a Virgin?...Really...How could this possible be exciting?". It also doesn't help that the commercials preceding the shows release were the least appealing assortment of teasers ever. However, I'd like to ask all of you to push aside your current biases and give it the same change that I did, and if you can't here's nine reasons why "Jane the Virgin" is the next show to keep you up until 3 am.

1. It's full of Latin flavor.

Jane, the virgin, is a spirited young girl with deep Latin roots, who subsequently lives with her mom and abuela. They often speak Spanish, are seen following Venezuelan culture and watching their favorite telenovela's (these are Spanish tv dramas that are full of humor and over-dramatized romance).

2. A laugh out loud comedy.

"Jane the Virgin", is full of hilariously outrageous scenes like the one shown above. Side splitting laugher is around every turn and you can never understand how each character finds themselves in the ridiculous situations that they do.

3. A well organized and entertainingly structured plot.

Like Jane and her very detailed calendar, the show is neatly organized. The narrator, voiced by Anthony Mendez, always keeps viewers in the loop. He often writes captions across the screen to identify characters and their importance, as well as to add comedic relief in this show's intense drama. Overall the narrator is a very nice touch that rivals that of Kristin Bell in "Gossip Girl".

4. A story with a truly inspiring Heroine.

Gina Rodrigues, Jane, is one of the funniest, and most unique female leads I have ever had the pleasure of watching. She is a down to earth, hardworking young woman who will always put a smile on your face. Her "family first" mindset, and insuppressible ability to follow her heart, is something to aspire towards. Jane is always someone you root for. Besides how can you not have mad respect for a woman whose carrying a baby while never having had sex!

5. Their male lead's son is "muy caliente".

Whether you are team Michael or team Rafael, it doesn't matter because you will be rooting for one sexy, angelic eyed hottie. Honestly if you were Jane how would you choose???

6. An amazing supporting cast.

There is so much to say about all the amazing characters that surround Jane throughout the show. First her smoke show, mom causes tension between her less promiscuous daughter and strictly religious grandmother. However, in the end Xiomara always knows whats best for her daughter. Abuela, Jane's grandmother, is honestly one of my favorite characters. Her subtle humor, and witty Spanish lines make her an essential part of the show. To add to the mix there is Rogelio de La Vega, Jane's obnoxious but adoring father. Petra, Rafael's ex-wife who serves as the character everyone loves to hate. In addition to a surplus of other vibrantly painted characters, all of whom you will grow very attached to.

7. A beautifully written romance with a love triangle no less.

It all begins with Jane who is engaged to Michael, but five years ago kissed Rafael Solano who is now married to Petra. Then Rafael's sister Louisa, who is secretly having an affair with her stepmother, accidentally artificially inseminates Jane with Rafael's sperm. If you thought that was complicated you'll have to watch the show because all of it is subject to change, and change again and then change again.

8. A crazy murder mystery that you never see coming.

Murders are taking place in Rafael's hotel, and Michael (Jane's detective ex-fiancee) is on the case. However, I guarantee you will never guess who the murderer is and what their motives really are.

9. Each episode ends with an unpredictable, jaw dropping cliffhanger.

Beware of the last five minutes of the show! Just as Jane's life seems to be tying together its many loose ends, a new element is introduced. You will be watching the credits with your eyes wide and your brain sweating over what will happen next!

So whether or not you believe a story of a regular girl becoming an impregnated virgin could be interesting, give it a try! I guarantee its nothing like you've ever seen before and the plot is much thicker than it first appears! Gina Rodriguez will leave you in a profound state of awe with every episode!

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