While it isn’t good to care whether or not people like you, it never hurts to be friendly. Having a reputation of being a pleasant person to be around can be a very valuable asset. These are nine habits that most likable people tend to possess.
1.They remember others’ names.
When someone remembers your name, it lets you know that they have taken the time to familiarize themselves with you. It lets you know that they consider you important, and who doesn’t like that?
2.They are interested in what others have to say.
When you are taking the time to say something, don’t you like it when people acknowledge what you are saying? Too many people are only interested in what’s going on in their own heads; they aren’t listening to what others are saying, they’re just waiting for them to be done saying it. The most likable people let others know they are listening.
3.They make other people feel special.
Everyone likes to feel important. It is so easy to make others feel special, yet we rarely make it a focus of ours to do so. If you can make others feel special, you will have them in the palm of your hand.
4.They don’t brag.
Rather than trying to impress others, they allow themselves to be impressed by others. It sounds a lot better when compliments about you are coming from other people; you know, people that aren’t you. If you have to talk about how awesome you are, you probably aren’t very awesome.
5.They don’t argue.
To quote the great diplomat, Benjamin Franklin, “Will proving a man wrong grant you his good will?” It seems so obvious, yet so many people argue with others to the death. The most likable people relinquish their pride and don’t argue, because they know that in the long run they will be a lot better off.
6.They are positive.
Nobody likes to be around pessimistic people who constantly complain. Having a reputation for being a positive person is invaluable. Positivity is contagious and breeds a good time, which is really all life’s about.
7.They smile
.This one goes with being positive. When you smile, you simply give off a good vibe. Smiling disarms people and lets them know you are on their side.
8.They are reliable.
The most likable will come through for you and help you out when you need it most. Everyone likes someone they can count on. This doesn’t mean they let other people walk all over them, it just means they like to be there for others.
9.They compliment others.
Complimenting someone makes them feel good, and costs you nothing. It is the easiest way to let others know that you appreciate them.