Going to a university that has been named the number one party school can mean you have big shoes to fill as far as going out goes. There is always something to do whether it be going to a party or the bars (perks of the bar entry age being 19 here). Another thing the University of Illinois is known for is also academics. Being one of the top schools for many fields like business and engineering. I have only been attending UIUC for a semester but so far I have noticed that a lot of people I know put partying and going out first and academics second.
I am someone who has always been incredibly passionate about what I am studying. It is something that directly benefits children and adults and I have this amazing opportunity to make such a big and positive difference in people's lives. It is always a tough decision when presented with a going out opportunity that I know would be a lot of fun. Do I stay in and study for an exam I have next week or do I go out? The answer for a while was to go out and then I quickly realized that was not going to work for me. I am someone who needs more time to study than others maybe do.
Graduate or medical schools aren't going to be impressed when they see you got a C in a fundamental class but that's only because you went to the Cubs World Series celebration parade and missed an exam or failed because you didn't get home until 4am. Don't get me wrong, having fun and going out is necessary to relax. You need to have fun! Do not just burry your head in books and your MacBook and expect to have some great and eye opening college experience. But also remember why you are here. To earn your degree (yes C's get degrees but not jobs). You are here to learn everything you possibly can to help people after you have earned your degree. Every major and profession ends up helping people in some way shape or form. My advice? When you think about going out and blowing off studying or homework, think about how missing and not understanding that material will affect your future patients or clients. Then maybe you'll understand how much more important grades are than going out.