A Night With Miguel Dakota and The Differents in Denver | The Odyssey Online
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A Night With Miguel Dakota and The Differents in Denver

A review of the band's intimate Friday night gig at the Moon Room.

A Night With Miguel Dakota and The Differents in Denver

Colorado native, Miguel Dakota, is nothing new to Denver's music scene. In 2014 the "Love and Freedom" singer competed and excelled in Season 9 of NBC's hit reality-tv show, "America's Got Talent." Coming incredibly close to the winning spot, Miguel Dakota earned sixth place. Given the hundreds to thousands of participants that audition every year, this is not too shabby-and it shows.

Since Miguel's days on the reality competition show, I have seen him a number of times in a number of unique Colorado concert venues. Each show that I've attended has had a completely different atmosphere. One of the most memorable was a benefit concert he played at the Pikes Peak Center in Colorado Springs, which is just a hop and a skip away from his hometown, Monument. This was my first time seeing Miguel and given how impressed I was, it certainly wasn't my last. The proceeds from this show benefitted the Children's Organ Transplant Association which made the concert all the more merrier. People of all ages attended the show to support the singer and his cause and it was a magical and inspiring night for everyone involved.

On Friday night I had the pleasure of viewing and photographing Miguel Dakota and his band "The Differents" and it was nothing shy of extraordinary. The band played an opening gig at the Moon Room which is nestled inside of Denver's Summit Music Hall. I have been to the Summit Music Hall dozens of times, but had never even heard of the Moon Room until this event. Unlike the venue itself, the Moon Room is essentially a bar with an open space that is the size of an average living room. This quaint space features a stage just big enough to fit a band that doesn't mind feeling a little cozy. The space provides for rather intimate concert settings, and Miguel used this to his advantage.

Throughout the night, Miguel Dakota and The Differents did an exceptional job at creating an exciting yet relaxed atmosphere. Miguel consistently encouraged fans to move closer towards the stage, to dance, and to let loose because after all-it was Friday night. The band played an especially distinct setlist featuring mainly their own songs from their album "Love and Freedom." Of these, one of the best was "Downtown" as it was performed with lots of passion and energy that made it easy to dance along. Likewise, another highlight of the show was Miguel's desire to be a part of the crowd and not just a performer. He jumped off stage multiple times to dance with patrons at the venue and it certainly made for a unique concert experience unlike any other show I've been to. Ultimately, my Friday night was even better than I'd imagine it could've been so if you live in the Denver are I encourage you to reconsider that $100 ticket to a show at the Pepsi Center and to instead support local musicians like Miguel Dakota and The Differents.

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