Some people love going out, no matter what day it is. Other people prefer just going out on the weekends and then their are a select few people who are actually hermits. For the hermit people going out is a whole production and takes a lot out of them. Here are some of the thoughts a hermit person has when they decide to go out.
6:30 p.m. - Finishes watching fifth episode of Narcos and checks phone. *Crap, should I go out tonight? What is even going on tonight?*
6:33 p.m. - Texts handful of people asking if anything is happening tonight. *wait wait wait*
6:37 p.m. - People respond with multiple parties and addresses and say you should totally come.
6:38 p.m. - Texts back you might, but you are just so tired from the school week.
7:09 p.m. - Playing on phone in bed *Okay stop it, make up your mind are you going out or are you staying here? My bed is so comfy and I am so tired.*
7:11 p.m. - Decides to stay in, cause putting on makeup is a hassle and you are just extremely lazy.
7:27 p.m. - Makes a microwave dinner and returns to bed to eat it and watch Youtube videos.
7:43 p.m. - Texts friend who goes to a different college and complain about random things. Friend tells you, that you should go out it would be fun.
7:45 p.m. - Typing long text on why you don't want to go out when your friend says they have to go and get dressed for a party they are going to. *Maybe she's right and I should go out.*
8:04 p.m. - Texts friend saying you changed your mind and are going out and ask what they are wearing.
8:07 p.m. - Opens up closet to find something to wear that you haven't taken a picture in before. *If I'm going out I am going to document this so people know I went out and had fun.*
8:12 p.m. - *Okay time to put on makeup, ughhhh this is going to make me breakout, but I can't go out without any makeup on.*
8:29 p.m. - Scrambles around to find a little bag to put keys, money, and ID in.
8:34 p.m. - Leaves house to start walking to friend's house. *Oh my God these shoes hurt so much! I am going to get a blister, I just know it.*
8:48 p.m. - Arrive at friend's house and text "here" instead of knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell.
9:00 p.m. - Friend comes to door and still has shorts on and only half of her hair is straightened.
9:01 p.m. - *Are you serious? I could still be at home right now. She said to come between 8:30-9:00. Ughhhh, whatever it's fine.* Sits down on friends bed as she continues to straighten her hair.
9:31 p.m. - Friend is finally done getting ready and calls an Uber
9:33 p.m. - *Oh no, wait! We forgot to take pictures, I really wanted to take pictures!* The Uber pulls up and your friend says we can take pictures once we get there.
9:38 p.m. - Arrive at party and immediately start sweating and feeling claustrophobic because of all the people.
9:40 p.m. - Finds random girl to take pictures of you and your friend even though the lighting is bad and you look like a sweaty mess.
9:42 p.m. - *Lets take a snapchat.* Takes a semi blurry snap and puts on story.
10:03 p.m. - *I know maybe ten people here if that. Do these people even go to our college? I have never seen any of them.*
10:11 p.m. - Looks around for friend, but can't find her. *Text her asking her where she is.*
10:13 p.m. - Your friend shows up out of nowhere and says they were talking to that guy, you know the guy. He is tall, brown hair, super funny. *I have no idea who she is talking about, that could be anyone.*
10:21 p.m. - *Calls an Uber to come get you.*
10:23 p.m. - *Your Uber has arrived.* Find your friend and tell her your going and asks if she wants to come.
10:24 p.m. - Friend pleads for you to stay and says that you just got there. You tell her you already have an Uber waiting outside and you need to go.
10:26 p.m. - Friend decides to stay at party. *Gets in Uber and make awkward small talk with the driver until you get home.*
10:34 p.m. - Make it home and immediately changes into pajamas and takes off makeup.
10:39 p.m. - Gets a snack and then gets in bed and turns on Netflix.
10:42 p.m. - *Oh yeah let me see how those pictures turned out. I want to post one on Instagram.* Opens up camera roll to find three pictures that are all too dark and have people in the background.
10:43 p.m. - *SERIOUSLY!* Puts phone away and gets all cozy in bed.
10:44 p.m. - Starts episode six of Narcos. *Ahhh, much better, this is my kind of night.*