A night out from start to finish can be perfectly described by the tweets of the one and only Yeezus. Who else could more accurately describe a night out with friends than the self-obsessed rap genius himself?
When you finally get out of class on Friday and realize that it's the weekend:
When your whole crew officially decides to go out:
When your friends yell at you for running behind schedule:
When your hair, makeup, and outfit are on fleek:
When your friend tells you not to take that extra shot, but it ends up being a great decision:
When that same friend tells you that you're acting too wild:
When your crew doesn't want to go to the same club as you, but you make them go anyway and it's lit:
When you realize that every relevant person is out:
When you get more than one compliment on your outfit:
When you see your crush and he/she's looking fine:
When you see your ex-hookup:
When you fall in love with someone while waiting for a drink at the bar:
When your friend interrupts you while you are talking to your new love interest:
When people tell you that you're wasted:
When you try to tell your friends something important, but you're too intoxicated to make sense:
When you and your friends are debating whether you should order Pokey Stix or Jimmy John's:
When you successfully end the night with the same friends who you started the night with:
When you reminisce on the night's adventures:
Now, it's time to go to sleep and get ready for Saturday night.