A night out with friends can have different meanings. It can mean going out to frat parties, having a girl's night out, going to a friend's kick back or going downtown. Whichever your go to night out may be, here are some (or all) scenarios that I'm sure we've all experienced at some point before, during, and after a great night out with friends.
1. When you try to get all your work done before going out
2. Trying on every pair of shoes you own
3. Telling yourself: “I’m not gonna drink that much tonight”
4. Walking into the party with your best friend like
5. When someone is telling you a story and you're pretending to listen
6. When you're waiting for your drink to be made
7. Showing off the moves you've been practicing
8. When your friends tell you that you’re cut off for the night
9. When all of your friends ask you to hold their drinks
10. When you get the munchies and someone tries to stop you from eating too much
11. When your Uber driver almost forgets about you
12. Chasing down that one friend who refuses to leave the bar
13. Waking up the next morning and remembering all the embarrassing things you did the night before