One night, nothing to do
I decide to put on something nice.
Concert night. Got a ticket.
This entertainment should suffice.
I walk in and find my seat.
I look around to see if there was anyone I knew.
I see a few friends, many strangers,
and ushers guiding people through
Finding their seats and handing out programs.
As the show begins, my worries I surrender
We all came together for the music
that makes everyone's lives feel easier.
The house lights dim
and the show finally begins
Someone enters the stage
They tune up the instruments, starting with the violins.
Something about that starting note
Puts me in the moment quickly.
Hearing the cadence, dissonance, and what have you
prepares me for the scene.
The conductor finally appears
regal in all his glory
He lifts his arms and I gladly await
for the music to tell me a story.
The tales always change
with every composition
And somehow these images never match
the composer's original intention.
This time, it's a group of unlikely heroes
off to battle a dragon.
Last time, it was a trio
traveling in a welcome wagon.
Either way, it was far from the creator's ideas,
nowhere close
But somehow I don't mind my brain
doing some improve prose.
The music carried me from one place to another
and not once did I get up.
Every so often, there's a standstill
My thoughts have a letup.
Is there risk of falling asleep?
Sure, but then again
Some parts sound so soothing.
Could you really blame them?
Before I knew it, the music stops.
Is something missing?
Did the composer die of a heart attack?
Where's the ending?
The heroes never got to the dragon.
A cliffhanger never resolved
Distressed, but I digress.
Was fun, even if it never truly ended.
From what I was told,
it was made in the style of the time
where compositions with ambiguous endings
were still in their prime
I suppose that answer will do.
I guess that's fine.
It's sufficient and logical.
Why whine?
I still enjoyed the concert
even if it never finished.
At least it didn't leave
my love for music diminished.