Exams are done. Phew. Your stresses are over, right? Wrong.
Now, comes the waiting game of seeing if you passed and worrying about your GPA, the question of if you have to retake classes, your schedule for next semester, what you'll tell your parents, etc.
Oh, what to do? Should you look? Or should you just hope for the best and take the tuition bill lying on your counter as a good sign? I mean they obviously want you to come back.
You could always eat while you wait.
Or you could shop.
While waiting, you prepare yourself for anything.
So many things are running through your mind as you decide on whether or not to check your grades for the millionth time that day.
Clicking the refresh button again, you decide to look. No matter what happens, you'll be okay.
If you passed:
If you failed:
Finding out you have to retake a class with the professor you hate:
But above all, you passed (hopefully).
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