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10 Makeup Brands That Will Give You A High-End Look Without Breaking The Bank

Here are some amazing brands with high-end feels that will give you a great look and save your wallet!


Just like many people out there I am obsessed with makeup. But you soon find out how expensive that addiction adds up to. After walking out of Ulta with two Too Faced products equaling almost a HUNDRED DOLLARS, I knew there had to be a better way to go about this.

Here are some amazing brands with high-end feels that will give you a great look and save your wallet!

1. Colourpop

This brand gives you such high-quality products at such an affordable price. Their lipsticks are only $7, their pallets range from $12 to $23. They also have foundation and concealer under $10! I use this brand all the time and it is such a great alternative to the super pricey brands. If you have never tried Colourpop before, go now to Ulta or to colourpop.com!

2. Morphe

This brand gives you so many products at a great price. Their eye shadow pallets range from a trio at $6 and a pallet of 35 shades at $24. Something really cool about this brand is they have one of the only continuous mist setting sprays and I'm obsessed with it (it's only $15!!!!!).

If you are someone who's been looking for great quality brushes but don't want to spend the insane amount of money for IT Cosmetics brushes, Morphe has some great options. You can buy them in a set which ranges from $18-$80 depending on what you're looking for and you can buy brushes individually from $6-$20 also depending on what you're looking for.

3. Milani

This is an amazing drugstore brand that you can find everything under $20! Like I really don't think they sell anything over $20. I have fallen in love with their bronzers and blushes, they apply to your skin and blend out so well. All their products have such pretty and great packaging. This is a brand I'm still trying a lot of their products but so far its well worth giving it a shot.

4. NYX

This brand is great when you are just starting out with makeup. It has so many different formulas and shades and for the price, you can try everything. If you are looking for great quality lip products in every shade possible on a budget, then this company is for you. None of their lip products exceed $10, not many companies can say that.

5. e.l.f.

I know there are so many preconceived notions about this brand. A lot of people look at it on the shelf and think poor quality and cheap. BUT E.L.F has some of my favorite products for makeup. I always end up reaching for their brushes over some of my expensive ones, especially brushes for applying foundation.

If you're looking for a great eyeshadow palette at a super affordable price try their mad for matte line, you won't be disappointed. They also have tons of face primers for all different skin types for $6 and they apply like a dream.

6. bh cosmetics

This brand has a very similar look in a lot of their palettes to Morphe BUT they are a little cheaper. For example, they have a 42 shade palette for $24! This is a brand I haven't personally tried but I have always heard great things about. But I think I need to go buy some products right now since their foundations are under $10, lipsticks under $9 and so many affordable brush sets to choose from!

7. Flower Beauty

This is actually a makeup line created by Drew Barrymore. Drew said she wanted to create a makeup line like a flower- fun and empowering. This is another makeup company that has most of their products under $20. The only downfall to their line is that most of their products are neutral tones except their lip products which are super colorful.

8. Essence

So this brand has REALLY surprised me. I saw them at the drugstore and for the price, I couldn't imagine it was high-end quality. With this brand you can get most your essentials under $10 but a lot of them even under $5! Like brow pencils, highlighters and bronzers all for $4.99! I love their brow pencils, it's one of the few brands that work really well for my super pale skin. This is a brand where you could probably get a whole face look for under $20.

9. Physicians Formula 

If you are looking for an affordable, go to, great quality bronzer this company is for you. They have a line of butter bronzers that will become your new favorite. This brand does have a few products that get pricey but for the most part, everything is still under $20! I also suggest trying their setting powders and highlighters!

10. ULTA beauty

I saved this one for last because most people don't even give it a shot. I know I didn't for a long time! ULTA has their own makeup line and it has so many great products. They are the cheapest of all the brands above but they are significantly less than all the high-end brands they sell.

I am in love with their lipsticks and lip liners, they are so creamy and have long-lasting wear. I also like their setting spray and mascara which makes you feel like you have on falsies! They always have great sales going on, often buy two get one free and things like that.

I don't know about you but this has made me want to go on a huge makeup haul!

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