Being “nice” is not a commendable character trait.
It’s a prerequisite.
For you to assume being “nice” should get you the girl of your dreams is similar to saying I deserve a boyfriend because I have a vagina. As a heterosexual woman with an interest in heterosexual men…. a vagina is the bare minimum. I don’t deserve special attention strictly because I have a vagina – plenty of women do.
No Austin, you don’t get a pat on the back for treating women like human beings. You should be doing this anyway.
You spend so much time talking about how “nice” you are, you forget about the traits that actually matter to women.
You clearly don’t spend enough time developing a personality beyond superficialities. Being polite is fine and all, but I’m supposed to slob on your knob for saying ‘please’? Why not play up your passion for British literature or your knowledge about obscure artwork? I just don’t get it.
I don’t care if your looks are a 3/10 – with the right level of confidence, you can snag a Beyonce type. We see it all the time. Men with confidence, self-assurance and passion make great partners and interesting conversationalists. That could be you if you gave your personality a face-lift.
Women like genuine men, not bad boys.
Stop accusing women of liking bad boys. You sound weak by constantly comparing yourself to other men. Don’t get mad that these men have a system that works for them. I have very little sympathy for “nice guys” who use legitimate abusive relationships as a criticism of women. Women are not inherently attracted to players, fuckboys and dog-like men. That's an attachment disorder, not a preference in men. Learn the difference.
Women want men who are confident in what they do and who they are. And clearly, if your default argument is to complain about what other men are doing, you aren’t all that confident in yourself.
If you need help with women, just ask?
You would rather complain about “feminists” and paint every woman with the widest brush possible than find out what women want. You could just ask women you know about the qualities they look for in a partner. You could even research the traits that are more likely to result in long time partnerships. But instead, you take to social media and rant about your non-existent sex life.
It takes a lot of humility to accept women are confusing – the way we act and behave can seem contradictory. But real men ask for help when they need it instead of blaming other people for their lack of results.
“Nice guys” have fragile egos. Which means you probably hate this article.
I have seen way too many “nice guys” lose their cool when a woman isn’t into them after all. They can’t handle disappointment or rejection – it hurts too badly. If you go up to a woman to ask for her number and she turns you down, you better not call her ugly or curse her out. You clearly thought she was cute enough to talk to – take your L with humility.
Nice guys are dangerous.
Women can be lured by men with bad intentions just because they appear nice. Plenty of women are confronted with men who are so friendly when they want something from you – and turn into someone completely different when you reject them. Compliments can turn into verbal threats and even physical violence.
The definition of entitlement is believing you are owed something.
You are not owed any part of my body. You are not owed my attention or time. Dating is a negotiation and if I don’t want to sit at the table with you, strike a deal with someone else.