This is an article for all the fellas out there. It's mostly advice for the guys who can't seem to find that girl. Gentlemen, if you feel like you're a good guy and no one notices, read this. Ladies, if you have ever experienced (or know) a guy like this, make him read this too. Might do some good.
Let's start with the obvious: You're scared. Look at this missed connection below:
I sent this picture to some girls I know and asked what they'd do in this girl's position. Overwhelmingly, they all said something to the effect of: "Why couldn't he just talk to me there? Kind of creepy." This is the greatest fault of the kinds of guys who do this: their actions, no matter how well-meaning or even sweet in nature, end up coming across as creepy. Chances are, this dude didn't get a response (because only people like him browse missed connections). And it's sad because maybe he was a really sweet guy. But that girl, and potentially many other girls he's come across, will never know that because he's too scared to speak up.
It's frightening to speak up, I get it. I've been in that position many times. Sometimes I go and talk to her, other times I get too nervous and end up not saying anything. But those times when I talk to her? They're awesome. Usually, it doesn't pan out, but at least I've got that experience under my belt. So, why can't you? Besides, you seem more friendly if you start the conversation.
So, Golden Rule: Just say Hey
For more tips on dating and talking to women, you can check out this article.