Nice guys finish last.
A phrase that everyone has heard at some point in their life. People hear it and almost automatically picture a wimpy kid getting stepped all over. We have come to associate the "nice guy" with the losers. The people who did everything the right way, but still lost. The people who used morals and ended up being criticized for it. Some people often where all the nice guys are, and to those people I say, "We've killed them, but we can still bring them back."
Now when I say nice guys finish last, many people jump right to the jerk getting the girl whole the nice guy gets his heart ripped out. Before any of you freak out, that is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that the types of characteristics of nice guys are often not desired. It goes both ways too; girls to guys, guys to girls, girls to girls, or guys to guys. So what happened to these nice guys? Well, they were no longer desired. The type of mannerisms associated with nice guys simply became undesirable. People stopped caring about how people made them feel and instead cared about the physical and social characteristics. People can say that it's not true all they want, but those are probably the same people who think that global warming is not real.
One argument on the topic of nice guys when it comes to relationships is that they are actually worse than the jerks of the world because they feel "entitled to girls" just because they're nice.
Well let me just stop you there Broseph.
Nice guys do not get upset that they do not get the girl because they feel entitled, they get upset because they know they have a girl or guys best interest at heart. They see people they love and care about get treated like absolute garbage and just want to make everything better for them and never see them hurt again. They're not in it just to screw 'em and ditch 'em. They are genuinely and emotionally invested in them.
The death of the nice guy is not exclusive to relationships either. All of a sudden I feel like everyone in America became a hard ass and just started hating everyone and everything. If you have sympathy, you're a softie. If you show symptoms of depression, you're told to man up. If you treat women with respect, you're a pansy. I could go on and on with this. The point is that our society has started to not care about each other as much as we used to. Like every other action that breaks "social norms," being emotional or caring no longer matters. You need to suck everything up inside of you emotionally and let it sit there until you die or kill yourself.
This, my friends, is how we lost the good ones.
"If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Be kind anyway" - Mother Teresa
So I encourage everyone to not let what other people think interfere with their decision making on how to act or treat people. I hope that we can bring back kindness and understanding instead of spewing hatred. But until then, we must make due with those that we have. There are a few of us out there, you just have to know where to look.
Yours Truly,
Ryan Jordan