Not all girls want a "douchebag" who plays games and steps over emotions. The whole tearing a girl down and being controlling is so high school.
It’s been misconceived that nice guys always finish last, but do they? The stereotype arose for the men who are not the most aggressive about standing up for themselves. The “nice guys” are perceived as the type who don’t put their foot down. So sometimes they're not the loudest in the bar when their favorite sports team loses, or evoke the most emotion when something truly bothers them.
But they do. They put their foot down only when it’s necessary and they do stand up for themselves in the most discrete way possible. Maybe they don't raise their voice when they're upset but instead wait for the most opportune time to say what needs to be said. (So kind of like your one friend who drops the mic and walks away).
The sad part about our society today is the misconception that there are a lot of rude, douchebag guys and they are more successful with beautiful women. We almost idolize those men and because of their happiness we feel the need to imitate that in order to receive the same amount of success. Which is where the stereo type "nice guys finish last" was created.
The big shocker to some people is a lot of nice guys do finish first.
At the end of the day, a woman has to deal with the assholes at the office or crappy encounters throughout the day, women just want a handsome, sweet, man that inspires and comforts that we can come home too. Now that doesn’t mean we want a man that we can walk all over. You can be a gentleman who brushes the hair out of our face, opens doors, actually listens and doesn’t act like the jock we dated in high school. You can also be a man at the same time though and put your foot down for when your woman get’s to be a little too high maintenance.
Be a gentleman, but also... be a man.
Nice guys can take care of us, and not dehumanize us. They don't overwhelm us with attention, but don’t forget to give us attention either; they don’t neglect us. They can still say what’s on their mind, especially if they're upset, and sit down to have a real conversation without screaming and puffing out their chest.
Nice guys have the perfect balance of being a gentleman, but also… a man.
They hold us tight, kiss our forehead and have real conversations with us. This is why the “nice guy” does finishes first. The guys with the huge egos and the mentality of finding the hottest piece of ass out there first usually cheat, lie and steal first as well. Nice guys don’t judge, instead they try to understand. Nice guys want more, expect more and care more and they do exist.
Don’t believe this stereotype of nice guys finish last. If you truly believe that you will never meet a nice guy, move, because they are out there and they are wonderful.