When you devour your emotions in regret you end up being miserable. It's easier to let your mistakes be your lessons. We have these experiences to help us grow as a person and in the end, it makes us who we are. We never know what would happen if the outcome of our choices changed. It could be for the better, but it could also make it worse.
The unknown is what makes life so interesting. I try not to live my whole life learning to love life, but rather always love it through the good and bad. When I meet people, who are as bitter with life as can be, I realize they haven't opened their eyes to the beauty of life and have devoted their emotions to all the terrible things going on around them.
Life will bring many struggles no matter what, so instead of being angry it's much more enjoyable to be happy. Simply smiling even when you don't want to can help improve your mood. A smile can go a long way, whether it's brightening somebody's gray day or just showing your personality makes all the difference in how other's approach you.
My ultimate goal is to break the stereotype (if you can call it that) that being mean equals authority.
Leaders should be able to hold their tongue when necessary and speak their mind without being cruel. Being in an environment that everyone enjoys promotes productivity. The first step to getting to that point wherever you work or spend time starts with you. Having a pleasant and caring personality won't hold you back ever, in the end, it rewards you beyond what you'd imagine.
I'm not saying be nice to people with the expectation to receive something in return, be nice because that's who you are. If being kind doesn't come naturally to you that's fine, but don't be the one who puts out other's lights either. There's a misconception that you must be mean to people to have the authority or acquire a leadership role. The truth is, being nice will go so much farther than obtaining an angry front towards people. I will go out of my way to help everyone whether it means extra work or not and in the end they're so much more willing to help you back. Not only will being nice to people earn you lasting friendships, but you're also making people's day so much easier.
We have no idea what people are going through and if we can help them in a positive way than I think it's one hundred percent worth it. Don't take the easy way out and let your bad attitude show, fight it off. Being nice doesn't mean you can never stick up for yourself. There are ways to stay true to yourself while avoiding being run over or used by others. It takes experience with these circumstances to find your best way of dealing with it. You will get run over or used regardless of being nice or not, so ultimately, it's best to stick to your personality.