Five NHL Playoff Superstitions | The Odyssey Online
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Five NHL Playoff Superstitions

It's more than skill, it's a little bit of hockey magic

Five NHL Playoff Superstitions

Hockey is perhaps one of the most superstitious professional sports, where traditions and superstitions are plentiful and practiced seriously. What with playoff season underway, here are some of the most prominent.

President's Trophy

The President's Trophy is a very high honor. It's recognition for finishing first place in the league after the regular season. After accruing the most points through wins and overtimes, the most successful team of all thirty is awarded with the "p - " in front of their abbreviation on the scoreboard, symbolizing the achievement of the President's Trophy.

The alleged President's Trophy Curse dictates that its recipient will fail to win the Stanley Cup.

Except if you're the 2012-2013 Chicago Blackhawks, of course.

After all, Captain Jonathan Toews doesn't believe in superstitions.

The Conference Trophies

Advancing to Round Four, otherwise known as the Stanley Cup Final, results in the Western Conference competitor awarded the Campbell Trophy and the Eastern Conference competitor the Prince of Wales Trophy. Both of these trophies mark a team's accomplishment in beating out every other team in their respective conferences through the postseason.

However, the real prize here is the Stanley Cup, which has yet to be won. Thus, touching the conference trophy is said to prevent a team from achieving the Cup.

Similarly to the President's Trophy curse, this has been disproven in the past few years. Or perhaps the King of Superstitions, Sidney Crosby, just has different superstitions to his name. The Penguins have only won the Stanley Cup in the years in which Sidney Crosby has held the Prince of Wales Trophy.

Playoff Beards

Perhaps the staple of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, the much showcased playoff beard is a true and tried tradition that every player (attempts) to practice. No matter how easily they can grow facial hair (yes, that means half the rookie class), every player will put the razor away and will their beards to grow.

In some extreme cases, particularly with Chicago's Patrick Kane, the beard has been accompanied by the much more noticeable Playoff Mullet. It was such a hit that the following year, Kane was able to rope ex-Blackhawk and now-Blue Jacket Brandon Saad into cutting a matching mullet.

The Mullet already won a cup, don't know it 'til you try it.

The Octopus

The Detroit Red Wings are notorious for the "dead octopus" tradition, in which a dead octopus is flung onto Detroit's home ice for every playoff game. It's traced back to 1952, in which Detroit went on to win the Stanley Cup in successive years. Ever since, the ceremonial octopi have been fling to the ice by hardcore fans.

Originally, each of the eight legs represented the number of playoff wins that were needed to achieve the Cup. Now a little outdated, tradition still sticks regardless.

Unfortunately there will be not octopi this year because Detroit failed to make the playoffs for the first time in twenty-six seasons.


Touching Trophies

More of a rule that applies year round, this one comes all the way back to the playoffs. The magical rules of hockey superstition enforce that touching a trophy that has not yet been won that season will prevent the toucher's team from winning that trophy.

Most prominently seen regarding the Stanley Cup, the rule can be applied fans, as well. Sure the Stanley Cup might be right there but do you really want to be the most hated person in your city?

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