A lot of times, we are quick to want to grow up. We, basically, wish our lives away. We are constantly dreaming of what our lives will be like in the future, instead of living in the moment. I find myself doing this about 5,000 times a day. We'll ask questions like where will I live? Who will I marry? Will I have children? etc. but what about now? And what about the past?
Think about it. Remember when you were four years old? Probably not, but, at that age, we really don't have a care in the world. As long as we were fed and clothed, we were happy. We did not even have to worry about school, or what other people would think of us, because none of that mattered. Everyone was your friend, and if they weren't you probably didn't notice. You thought your parents were superheroes, and that they could never do any harm to anyone. You also had all the free time in the world, which was mostly spent making up games that did not have rules or simply running around, enjoying the sunshine.
Then we grow up a little and think, "I can't wait until..." Most of the time, the desire is to grow up and be independent. But, man, what I would give to be four-years-old again, living with my parents. We are so anxious about things like getting a car, going to a new school, and relationships. Honestly, can you even remember a time when you weren't anxious about these things?
As we get a little older, we start to think about the struggles of day-to-day life. We actually have to study for school. And if we want to make plans with someone, we have to make sure everyone is on the same page and is available. We begin to care about what others think a lot, and we begin comparing ourselves to others. It seems as though we are only content in our free time, and free time is actually a rare thing.
Then, we get a little older and realize there is basically no such thing as free time. We are constantly doing studying, working, napping, and trying to find time to have a social life. Especially with college, it is hard to please everyone, including yourself. You begin to feel very overwhelmed and misunderstood at times.
And then, guess what. You get a little older. Stress builds, you have a real job, or you are searching for one. You might have a significant other, and that isn't always a walk in the park. You have to pay bills. And you may even have to care for children. Everything you do may seem like a job. It can be completely overwhelming and annoying.
Of course, there are joys to growing up. It is great to have goals, and things to look forward to, but I like to think that the simpler times are the best times. Obviously, we can't go back to being a four-year-old, but we can enjoy the time we have now. Let us not be so anxious about our futures. We just have to hope and trust that they'll turn out okay. But the only way to have a successful future is to enjoy the now! Don't wish your life away; enjoy every second of the time we have in the present.