Ladies And Gentleman, NFL Football Is Back | The Odyssey Online
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Ladies And Gentleman, NFL Football Is Back

The NFL season is right around the corner, but what's going to make this season special?

Ladies And Gentleman, NFL Football Is Back

Preseason is in full swing as we head into Week 3 and that got me thinking. What will keep sports fans interested in the 2018 - 2019 football season? Is it the highlight reel catches? The big hits? The star power? Or is it the story lines that come attached to certain players and teams? Easily all of these can apply, but let me highlight a few things that NFL fans should on the look out for this season.

The first is all of the players returning off of a season where they missed significant time due to injury. Odell Beckham Jr., Aaron Rodgers, Deshaun Watson and JJ Watt just to name a few of the big names that spent most of the season sidelined. Being one of my favorite players, I highly expect OBJ to have a comeback player of the year type of season at the Wide Receiver position. One hand grabs, one play touchdowns and those priceless touchdown celebrations. When it comes to Aaron Rodgers, I personally believe that before getting injured against the Minnesota Vikings, he was on pace to be in the top three discussion for MVP along side Tom Brady and Carson Wentz (who I believe shoud have won the MVP instead of Brady). Honestly Rodgers is that good and with the addition of a big target in Jimmy Graham at tight end, I think he may be able to make an even stronger case this season. Then there's the dynamic offense-defense one two punch of the Texans in Deshaun Watson and JJ Watt. I believe that with these two guys back while also bringing in Tyrann Mathieu, the Texans may be a force on the rise. These are only a handful of the more impactful players returning with something to prove, but I also believe they are the ones most likely to will their teams to playoff contention.

Deshaun Watson, Houston Rockets

The second in the incoming rookie class, especially at quaterback. Baker Mayfield to the Browns, Sam Darnold to the Jets, Josh Allen to the Bills, Josh Rosen to the Cardinals, Lamar Jackson to the Ravens, and of course I have to mention Mason Rudolph who got picked up by my Steelers. But are any of them going to start this season, and if they do, what point in the season? Being the number 1 overall draft pick, Baker Mayfield may have the best shot, but he's going to have to pry the job away from the newly aquired Tyrod Taylor who has been balling in preseason. Then of course we can't forget Saquon Barkley, Bradley Chubb, DJ Moore, James Washington, and others looking to take the league by storm.

Baker Mayfield, Cleveland Browns

Finally, this is to all of my Madden lovers. When you see a game where a player or players take over the game, expect a card to drop. Madden is always watching the league and if they're watching, you should be too. I expect this to be a big year for Madden 19 as the league has a lot of star studded talent running onto the field each and every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. I feel like this season is going to be a great one so, happy watching and go Steelers!

Antonio Brown, Pittsburgh Steelers

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