The controversy currently surrounding the NFL isn't new, but it is still just as important as it was when Colin Kaepernick started the protest. First things first, the players are protesting police brutality, racism and racial inequality that exists in this country, whether we want to see it or not. It has nothing to do with the flag or the anthem itself. The freedom to protest is a constitutional right.
Just the other day I was reading a front-page newspaper article from The Leader-Herald, a newspaper for a town I use to live in. The title of the article was "The KKK is in Town." Along with the article was a picture of two individuals in the traditional Ku Klux Klan robes and two more individuals on either side of them dressed in black. The article goes on to state that these members consider themselves as "soldiers of God," and they are able to feel good about what they do because they donate to Toys for Tots.
The biggest mistake of this newspaper was running this story, especially putting it on their front page. Letting these people voice their ideas and views when they are a known hate group is absurd. Giving the Ku Klux Klan a light is a problem. This was a three-part series that The Leader Heraldproduced and in the second one, "The KKK targets area, state," it states, "Although black Americans have typically been the Klan's primary target, it also has attacked Jews, immigrants, gays and lesbians and, until recently, Catholics."
It is actually sickening to read how people who are a part of a horrible group talk about how good they are. There is nothing that can really be done to prevent groups like this from having meetings and voicing their opinions privately. But the minute that they are given the spotlight, it helps them grow their group of hatred.
It is things like this, and the countless amount of African Americans who have been shot and killed by police, that the NFL players are kneeling for. They do not hate the flag. They do not hate the soldiers. They do not hate this country. They are protesting against the horrific things that happen and are allowed to happen in this country.
Most people do not know about the flag code. It is actually disrespecting to the flag to have the pattern of it printed on anything from tablecloths to beer cans to bathing suits. However, nobody seems bothered by that. Why be bothered by individuals who decide to kneel during the national anthem? Also, if someone isn't offended by the Confederate flag, which if you think about it, is an insult to the American flag, then why be offended over this controversy?
President Donald Trump condemned the protests but did not do the same for the white supremacist marches that happened in the south. There is outrage towards the NFL but where was the outrage when someone plowed through a group of black people during a rally in Virginia, killing someone?
There have been more recent protests in Charlottesville organized by a man who was part of first one, Richard Spencer. Reports state that along with him were roughly 40 followers chanting, "The south will rise again," and "You will not replace us," while holding torches.
Racism and discrimination exist everywhere. It can no longer be ignored because some people become uncomfortable when talking about it.