Want To Travel? Make Toronto Your Next Destination | The Odyssey Online
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Want To Travel? Make Toronto Your Next Destination

The city of fresh air and maple syrup.

Want To Travel? Make Toronto Your Next Destination

Toronto, Canada's largest city. One that reeks of fresh air and diverse culture, where Downtown Toronto is the cousin of Times Square and where there's endless amounts of shopping to do and places to eat of different countries. The city of culture, modern while also old in style, Toronto.

1. The art

The amazing views you'll see from the 6, walking by the tall buildings, graffiti sprayed by local artists in certain areas that make you say "wow". Galleries of contemporary art by local and international artists, exhibiting wide ranges of art styles.

2. CN Tower

The CN Tower is currently the 3rd tallest building in the world, standing at a whopping 1,815 feet. Looking from the top of the tower, it has the best view of Toronto. It truly is a sight to see, and if you're brave enough, the Edgewalk might be just for you.

3. The culture

Walking down the streets, seeing Indians, Chinese, Brazilians, Japanese, you name it. Foods of every sort, every flavor, a melting pot of races. The music, tradition & languages, the diversity in Toronto is incredible to see.

4. Royal Ontario Museum

Similar to famous Washington museums, Canada's largest museum shows the cultural history of Toronto. With galleries dedicated to ancient civilization, the aboriginal people of Canada and fragments of dinosaurs displayed, it gives most museums in the U.S strong competition.

5. Pubs/Clubs

Mostly every pub will make you feel like you've lived here all your life, with a vast selection of beers that will keep you telling the bartender for one more drink.

Nightclubs packed from Friday to Saturday, with music from early on that'll make you either a Drake fan or The Weeknd fan. The vibes are magnetic and there's never a dull moment.

6. Casa Loma

Known as Toronto's majestic castle, Casa Loma is both a museum & landmark that was built by Sir Henry Mill Pellatt in early 1900's. With beautiful architecture, a garden and a tunnel that you'll maze around, it's quite the adventure visiting the castle.

7. The people

They will be the nicest people you'll meet in your life. You can calmly walk the streets at any time of the day. The stereotype of being overly nice is very true, everyone seems great to talk to and you really feel welcome there.

8. Shopping

The Eaton Centre and Fashion District are the top shopping spots in Toronto and there's a lot to buy from, ranging from Louis Vuitton to Uniqlo & Zara. The term "Shop till you drop" might as well be true.

9. Ripley's Aquarium Of Canada

Featuring North America's longest underwater viewing tunnel (a.k.a sharks!) & has over 100 sea creatures in sight. The aquarium is a great visual experience that you'll enjoy with your friends.

10. Poutine

Seriously, poutine. It's so good, crispy french fries and cheese curds covered in gravy. Even though it's very greasy, it deserves to be eaten not once but twice. It goes amazing with beer too, can't forget that, Molson Canadian to be specific.


- It's not required to tip in Canada, it's up to you what to give.

- LCBO, also known as liquor stores, owned by the government, close early (9 PM).

- Visit the Niagara Falls, it's only 1 hour and a half by car.

- Try the wines in Toronto, icewine if you're into sweet stuff.

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