Contrary to popular belief, newspapers surprisingly comprise the majority of news traffic in America. As shown by Nielsen Scarborough’s 2015 Newspaper Penetration Report, the percentage of print-only consumption for these entities sits at a 51%. This makes them not only an undeniable media colossus, but in times of election such as the current, an invaluable asset that can help bend public opinion through official endorsements.
Recently, certain traditionally conservative American newspapers have abandoned their conventional practices and endorsed presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton. The following is a list of some of the newspapers who have decided to support Clinton, as opposed to Republican Party candidate Donald Trump, in the race for the presidency.
The Arizona Republic
From its inception in 1890, this newspaper had never endorsed a Democratic candidate until announcing so on September 27th. On its website, the Republic attributes this to "a deep philosophical appreciation for conservative ideals and Republican principles." However, the decision to endorse Clinton came from a lack of confidence in Trump. "The 2016 Republican candidate is not conservative and he is not qualified." They also cited elements such as a disparaging difference in political experience, and a more rational approach to crisis control, and tolerance in front of a nuclear arsenal.
San Diego Union-Tribune
Dallas Morning News
This publication had gone without endorsing a Democratic Party Candidate for 20 election cycles. While they also cited similar reasons to the previously mentioned media operations, the Morning News went in depth to justify their choice despite their ideology by bashing Trump. "[Trump] plays on fear — exploiting base instincts of xenophobia, racism and misogyny — to bring out the worst in all of us, rather than the best," the endorsement read.