We always hear things like "Girls are so confusing." or "I never know how she's really feeling. Why can't she just be straight forward?". We don't hear things like this about guys very often. But the truth is, guys are just as confusing as girls. Maybe even more confusing at times.
As girls, we are expected to be more emotional and sensitive, but that is not always the case. Everyone is different. Guys could easily be more emotional or more sensitive than girls.
In my experience, I have known many guys to be extremely confusing. Actually, almost all of them that I have come in contact with have never been straight forward with me about how they feel or what they want. I've had guys who seemed like they were head over heels for me and then disappear the next day. How do you explain that? Girls get such a bad rep for being "confusing" or "noncommittal", but guys are just as bad.
I've dealt with many experiences where this could be applied. Once, the guy I was talking to had no idea what he wanted. One day he wanted me, and the next he was too busy to pay attention to me. Another guy completely ghosted on me after the first date. He came back into my life a few months later just to ghost on me again. One guy told me he loved me, and three days later he took it back.
Some guys do things that I really question. I will never understand how they think some of these things are acceptable. I know for a fact that many girls wouldn't do some of the things guys deem as "acceptable" when it comes to another person's feelings.
Men seem to be less worried about another person's feelings and more worried about their own. I think the same can be said for women, but we tend to be worried more about both sets of feelings rather than just our own. Many just want to protect their hearts. I know I do. However, not giving someone a reason for your actions is not cool.
Instead of leaving someone hanging, try communication. This is something that is really lacking in the millennial generation. No one knows how to talk to each other anymore. This will lead to less confusion overall. Communication is key, and I can't stress that enough.
Ever get frustrated because your girl is flipping out? It's probably being you're not communicating enough about your intentions.
Do yourselves a favor and talk to one another. I promise it will help.