Love is the answer.
There is nothing we can do now to change the outcome of our next president because our country has spoken. As I write, I’m really struggling to find unbiased words that shed light on an outcome I didn’t anticipate.
But I know this: The faster we band together and the quicker we choose love over hate and division with one another is the moment we all stand boldly, fighting for what is right despite the result.
Based on the amount of hate and division I’m seeing happening online, ugliness has already won before the presidency has even been handed over. Walls have already been built and our nation has already settled for darkness and victimization. What we think, what we write, and what we believe is already placed into motion like a snowball rolling down a hill at furious speed.
We are human, we have believed it to be so.
What would happen if we cancelled the division by holding and deeply listening to one another in love? What would happen if our posts of hopelessness turned into posts of light and hope shining through darkness? What if our fear became a voice of truth and we walked together boldly with action-filled love? What if our anger and frustration toward one another based on the outcome turned into gratitude for the good people already surrounding us in our everyday lives?
Love wins. Light shines brighter when we stand together and boldly share the truth that has the ability to crack through any negativity and darkness.
I love people regardless of their racial background, sexual orientation, etc… A new president will not change the love I have for my friends or taint the overflow of encouragement I have to share with people and friends who are struggling every day to see hope and peace. I hope and pray that the fact that this man is soon to become our president won’t stop you from loving, standing beside, and encouraging your friends and loved ones unconditionally, too.
In all honesty, a new president doesn’t change our identities given to us by Christ. One man's label does not change my individual joy for living. No one changes my swelling heart of love for the broken and hurting both inside and outside this traumatized country.
If I’m being honest, I think the way we’re reacting on both social media and public platforms like sidewalks and walls is a reaction that makes Satan stand tall in hell, believing he has the victory.
But newsflash! Satan LOSES. Hell ALWAYS BURNS.
Trump is our president and will have authority come January… But I sure as hell refuse to be silenced and I will never stop using my voice to break darkness and I will always bring truth in love, no matter how uncomfortable it may make you.
The good news is that God always wins. The devil just chokes. Now more than ever, the truth and love in grace is what we need as a nation to keep the devil choking over the same mistakes he continues to make as we move forward standing strong in God's love together. Real, raw, and true community is what we need.
When we have the rock solid truth of the gospel to stand on, people to stand on that truth with, and something good to hope in like Jesus' unfathomable, graceful, and forgiving love — an army will stand strong.
Walls will shatter.