As we return to school, college students are remembering why we were excited to go home in the first place. Stress, drama, there are a number of reasons, and they vary with each student that sets foot on campus. Every semester, I hear the students around me talk about how they are "gonna get it together" this semester, and more often than not we tend to fall back into our old habits of how we do things, despite that meaning things like procrastination and panic attacks. So, for those of us battling old habits and new ones, here are a few reminders.
1. The Three Ss.
Study, sleep, and socialize. Yes, all three of them. I know the balance is nearly impossible (I certainly don't have it figured out yet) but I promise there is one! Studying is important and should be placed high on the to do list, but it shouldn't take precedence above your physical or mental health. Sometimes having a semi-regimented schedule can help keep yourself organized and keep the workload to a level that you can handle without overwhelming yourself with all of your other obligations.
2. It's okay.
If you got through last semester, chances are you're going to get through this one too, barring some unforeseen incident. Take a deep breath and try to look at things from a different angle if necessary. Or talk to your adviser, your parents, your friends... literally anyone you trust to help you come up with a solution.
3. The class PROBABLY isn't that scary.
Lots of classes look intimidating at first. The professors are upfront with us- sometimes overly so- and it can scare us into wondering whether we should be sitting in the classroom in the first place. But the teachers are as human as we are! Most of them aren't going to give us more than they believe we can handle, one way or another. And if they're overwhelming, there's a chance he or she is completely unaware of it. A simple email saying you're in a little over your head can start a conversation to get you back on track.
4. Napping doesn't make everything go away!
I know, unfair, right? But when you wake up, everything you need to do will still be there. But never fear, life goes on, and everything will work out. So enjoy the nap, but enjoy it because it's sleeping and gives your brain a break, not because it gives you an excuse to not do anything else.
5. Chances are, your life is just getting started.
Assuming you're the "typical" college age, you're pretty young considering today's life expectancy. College is exciting and crazy and everything else, but it's also the beginning of the beginning. There are a million things that could happen, and that just makes it even better. While it can be scary, that also means that mistakes made now can be amended.
So as the semester goes on, keep these things in mind, and hopefully your mind will be a little more at ease.