I can't begin to start with the amount of times I have watched the news and have felt as if there is a continuous repetition and emphasis on a story that happened two weeks ago, or that has appeared on the same news channel for hours straight. I can't be the only one that notices this, right? Why is it that our news stations provide information to the public in such a way? I can't wrap my head around the fact that the news (which shall not be named) does this when there are important matters constantly occuring and changing on an international scale.
I remember one day I came home from school and decided to turn the news on while doing my homework. From the moment I sat down to work on my homework to the moment I finished, the only story that was shared was Hillary Clinton suffering with Pneumonia. I understand that this is news, but does this have to be our news for the three hours of time I was completing my homework? During those three hours of news I never once heard about the Syrian Cease Fire, or how South Sudan suddenly acquired weapons, or the suspension of 11,000 teachers in Turkey. These events were also taking place during the time of Hillary Clinton's Pneumonia story.
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Today, it is presidential election season with the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and the Republican candidate Donald Trump, and this consistently brings ongoing rambles on the news. By rambles I emphasize the over-analyzations newscasters tend to make over information that is not "news" in a sense. Is it really factual information to hear an ongoing discussion of Trump claiming Obama is not a US citizen? This is not news. This is simply a news channel presenting entertainment for what almost feels like hours at times. It seems as if many people avoid or become frustrated with the news during the presidential election season because the news becomes nearly 100% consumed with only showing information on the candidates. The presidential election is equally as important as international news, but the media tends to not present it in this way.
It is interesting to recognize how the media can pick and choose what the public hears. What is the story that will bring in more views? More entertainment? More debates? Of course, the public can dig deeper than the general news channels on the TV to find the actual facts, but shouldn't the general news channels provide this to the public already? We live in a world where even the everyday news can be Ludicrous, and it shouldn't have to be that way. I hope the media in time will recognize this fault it has and eventually change its habits so that there is less repetition and more knowledge of news that is occurring throughout the world presented.