I can’t disagree with the fact that NYC was one of the most bang up places I have ever been to. The city never sleeps. The rush never dies out and the energy is compelling. Usually that’s a good thing if you like to travel a lot, but not if you are trying to push through. Coming “home” to New York isn’t very relaxing. The pressure for getting ahead is too high, almost as though one can’t breathe sometimes. Florida on the other hand, although isn’t as “lit” and keeps me at ease even through the toughest of times.
1. The Weather
New York is ridiculously cold most of the time of the year whereas winter in Florida is snowman made out of sand. No joke! You will actually hear people say “OMG I almost had to wear gloves today.” However, Florida can get excessively sticky during the summers but June through August in New York can be just as awful. So for someone like me who is looking for a way around common cold, Florida is your place. It keeps you warm all through the years, in and out, often quite literally.
2. The People
If you are travelling to New York for the first time, there is something you should know in advance - New Yorkers are busy! If you have lost your way, I am sorry, but you would have to figure that one out on your own. If, however, you do end up asking for directions there is a huge possibility you might be disappointed at their behavior. In case you didn’t know, a survey was carried out and NYC won it for being the rudest city.
On the other hand, Floridians are one of the nicest people you will ever luck into. If you are stranded in the middle of nowhere there is almost a 100% guarantee that you will find someone who is willing to drop you off back at home, even if that means going out of their way.
3. The Subway
Regardless of how convenient the subway is, there is always one person or another looking to rip you off. The ever-circulating range of scams, from fake tickets to broken bottle play, are quite the daily thing at the subway station. Now moving on to Florida, you won’t see a subway here but neither would you have anyone try and pull wool over your eyes.
4. "America’s Dirtiest City"
NYC has been consistent in keeping its spot as the no.1 for grit and grime. It is super smelly and run down with most neighborhoods. Conversely, Florida seems to be way down that list. One more reason why Florida is bae.