If you're anything like me, the mere thought of Bobst sounds stressful, let alone the possibility of running into people you know, getting distracted, and doing much less work than you'd intended. Or maybe you want a coffee and a snack while you work, but don't want to worry about losing your spot near the wall outlet or getting your things stolen. We at the Odyssey have got you covered, with a comprehensive list of some great study spots around NYU (other than the daunting prison that is Bobst)!
1. Kimmel 8th or 9th Floor
This one's self explanatory: there are great comfortable chairs, some good sunlight and views to complement your studies. There's just a limited amount of space, so you have to find your spot and stick to it.
2. Sub-cellar Classrooms at Weinstein
There is a possibility of finding your own room to hole up in and disappear for hours of studying and productivity. The main downside is that it is, in fact, a basement and you may forget what day of the week it is or what the sunlight feels like.
3. Tisch Basement
This spot is a little more roomy and less severe than the Weinstein basement, but it's a similar concept.
4. Stern Lower Level
You can sometimes find an empty classroom to work in, but there’s also some good couch and seating options scattered throughout. The main risk with this area is running into someone you know and getting distracted, but if you’re ready to get in the zone, this may be an option for you.
4. The Academic Resource Center
This one has study rooms available for your use, but you just may want to reserve ahead if you want your own room!
5. Law School at Furman Hall
Grad students are notoriously studious, in theory, since they have so much work to do themselves. A great environment to really motivate you, huh?
6. Teavana – 771 Broadway
Don’t want coffee, but still need some caffeine? Teavana is awesome — they’ve got a huge list of tea options that you can choose from, including ones that are high in caffeine for your late night study sesh. And yes, they have WiFi!
7. La Colombe – 400 Lafayette Street
Arguably (though unarguable in my opinion) the best coffee in New York City, this is a great sunny spot to chill and get your work done. Downsides are the lack of outlets and lack of wifi and that it tends to be very busy so you can have trouble finding a spot. But if you want a great cup of coffee, great snacks, and a trendy Instagram to show all your friends how studious you are, this is your go-to.
8. Think Coffee -- 248 Mercer Street
Great for meetings, studying, and gettin’ ish done. They’ve got free wifi and tons of space to work. Just make sure you can find a good spot, preferably near an outlet, because it can get very busy.
9. Argo Tea – 239 Greene Street
Argo Tea has lots of good spots to work and conveniently located smack dab in the middle of campus. The tea, coffee, and snacks are acceptable enough that if you need a sunny study spot, this’ll do. WiFi available.
10. The Civil Service Café (Brooklyn)
If you’re in Poly or you live in Brooklyn, or even if you find yourself in the area one day, check out this chill café for your studying needs! Yes, they have WiFi and lots of seating so you can grab a spot and get to work.
I'm sure you all have your own nooks and crannies where you go to get away from it all and focus -- share your other suggestions in the comments!