These last couple of weeks have proven that truly America chose Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to represent America's future- like the reality hit hard, and also Donald Trump's plans for the White House make as much sense as eating cereal with orange juice. Other factors include that despite the Trump children's claims, I will never believe that Donald Trump cares for women's rights, I will never believe that Trump will make "America Great Again", and most importantly I will never believe that Trump is the future of the Oval office.
Despite several news articles published about Trump's rather suspicious, benevolent, and frankly downright wrong past, Trump managed to snatch the Republican nomination right under the noses of other decent competent politicians who I think did a better job at hiding their skeletons in the closet (if they had any to hide). I think by now, news publications are rather tired of the same plain and boring news cycles covering Donald Trump's past because the truth is, the man is winning no matter how sketchy his 70 years of life is. So, what do we do now that Donald Trump is boring news? Let's shift our focus on Melania Trump, yes, because she is the one who has the chance to sit on that chair, sign bills, and ruin the life of any American who is not remotely as wealthy as her social circle.The perfect calling for the New York Post, who until their latest heinous act, I had no recollection of their publication. I didn't even remember learning about them in 9th grade history class until I looked them up on Wikipedia.
The New York Post in a not so brilliant move decided to unearth naked pictures of Melania Trump in a vain attempt to derail Donald Trump's plans for the Presidency. The pathetic move isn't even remotely as pathetic as the article written by the author, Isabel Vincent.
According to her, she is an "investigative reporter...covering political corruption" *insert confused face*. After looking high and low , I can tell you, there wasn't much investigation to be done regarding the pictures, nor did she manage to dig up political misdeeds done by Mrs. Trump. This was simply a case of fueling the need for tabloid sells, click baiting the public, and once again proving that real journalism is dead, and what truly sells are shallow articles meant to cause the wrong controversy.
I'm a firm believer that not all is fair and game when it comes to political candidates. Of course you can investigate a political candidate's spouse, but, using the political candidate as the talking point because they're the one running is the best way to have an effect on how that past directly correlates with the morals, beliefs, and judgments of the political candidate. So, Isabel Vincent, you can not humiliate and demean Melania Trump just for laughs and page views, and on top of that release an article just as shallow as your intention. Not only is it not respected but I can imagine if I ever got the heart to do something like this, it would leave a bad taste in my mouth, and a stain on my image. I recently read a New York Times article written by Jill Filipovic and it is the perfect example of how to use a political campaign spouse as the talking point.