Be a more generous person
I want to be more generous and do something worthwhile. I'm not talking about starting a non profit organization to help starving kids in Africa. I do want to do something that will make a difference.
Actually study in college
I tried studying for my first semester in college but Netflix had overtaken my life instead. I want to study for classes instead of falling into the black hole known as Netflix.
Eat healthier
The cliché that everyone says for their New Years resolutions is that they are going to eat healthier. When in reality, the third day into your "juice cleanse" you down a Snickers and ruin your diet. I'm going to try eating healthier by eating more actual food and less processed food out of a machine.
Start going to the gym
I keep telling myself to get a gym membership, yet I keep making up excuses. But heck, it's 2017, no more excuses. I'm getting a gym membership and going to work out. Less Netflix in bed and more working out.
Get out of the house this Summer
Instead of hiding away in my house all Summer, I'd like to actually get out and have some fun this Summer. Not going out and partying every night but at least having some plans would be a plus.