It's that lovely time of year where the scents of peppermint and gingerbread fade into champaign and wine. In addition to the generic resolutions of losing weight and saving money, you might want to add these to the list–and actually keep them.
This has been my New Year's resolution for three years, and my procrastination is so bad that I actually have procrastinated my resolution. Stop putting things off. Make lists, keep commitments and push yourself to success rather than sabotage your opportunities.
2. Leave negative people behind
It is 100 percent OK to cut people out of your life if they don't have your best interests in mind. Don't surround yourself with people who want to see you fail in 2018. In fact, you should never allow negative people to get in the way of your dreams.
3. Be more organized
It is very hard to stay on top of everything while being in a messy environment. Designate one day a week to deep clean, throw out anything you don't need and keep up with the things that are most important in your day-to-day life. This goes beyond your living space; organize your time, responsibilities and commitments in a planner or to-do list.
4. Make more time for family
Family is by far one of the most important things when it comes to flourishing. They can lift you up when you are down, inspire you to be a better you and provide support like no one else can. In 2018, visit your family more; reach out to family members that you haven't seen in a while, call your grandparents or cousins and attend more gatherings than you have in past. Friends may come and go, but family is forever.
5. Don't be afraid to say "No"
Stop allowing people to walk all over you in 2018. If people are asking for favors that are unreasonable, don't be afraid to say "no." You can't put your own needs aside for everyone else ALL the time. Say "yes," when you can and if you can't, don't.
6. Be more financially aware
Saving money is one thing, but managing the money you have is also very important. Budgeting can be a life-saver in 2018, so don't be hesitant to balance out groceries, bills, and rent from paycheck to paycheck. Life is less stressful when you aren't constantly worried about affording things.
7. Ask for help
There are some days when you can't do it all alone. If things are piling up beyond your abilities, don't be afraid to reach out to others for a helping hand.
Actually keep your New year's resolutions this year and make 2018 the best one yet.