It's been about one week since the start of the new year, which means you've been committed to carrying out your New Year's resolution for over seven days... or not. Resolutions are great in theory, but the follow through can present difficulties. There's always the chance that you had good intentions, but haven't ACTUALLY started your resolution just yet. There's also the possibility you had a great start on January 1st, but have slowly gone off track throughout the rest of the week. So take some time to reflect on this first week of the new year. Have you given up on any of your resolutions yet?
1. Going to the gym
2. Flossing more
3. Keeping your room clean
4. Keeping your clothes folded
5. Waking up earlier
6. Going to bed earlier
7. Read a book
8. Watching less TV
9. Not checking your phone as much
10. Cut back on alcohol
11. Staying organized
12. Starting a new hobby
13. Eating healthier foods
14. Eating less junk food
15. Reading the newspaper more
16. Saving more money
17. Declutter your email inbox
18. Organize and print pictures
19. Making more time to relax
20. Reconnecting with friends
21. Meet new people
22. Plan a vacation
23. Try out new hair and makeup styles
24. Take more (or less) pictures
25. To actually complete one of your New Year's resolutions this year...