Every year, I choose a New Year’s Resolution that lasts about a month if I’m lucky. Here are some ideas that you can hopefully stick with the whole year!
1. Learn something new each day.
This can be something simple such as cooking a new meal or learning how to paint. The options are endless!
2. Choose a word to be your “word of the year.”
Pick a word you can live by for the whole year. Mine is fearless.
3. Read more books.
Make a list of books you want to read at the beginning of the year and make time to read them.
4. Think of one thing a day you’re thankful for.
This seems simple, but most of the time we take for granted all the wonderful things in our lives. Take time to remember those things each day!
5. Write a book of the bible.
Pick your favorite book of the bible and begin writing. You will be able to retain the information better and it’s a great way to have time with God.
6. Turn everything electronic off for an hour once a day.
Once a day, after work or school, turn every electronic off. This includes your phone, laptop, T.V., and iPad. Take that time to read a book, play a game, or just sit in silence. Treat yourself to some quiet time away from the world.
7. Volunteer more.
If you ever have a free weekend, go down to the homeless shelter or nursing home to spread some cheer. This will touch the people’s live you meet and also your own life.
8. Drink only water (NO soda).
This one is hard, and I have failed at it many times. Although, cutting out all the other unhealthy drinks can make you feel great and healthier.
9. Get more sleep.
Cut out an hour of Netflix at night, and try going to sleep earlier. This will make you feel better and more alive during the day.
10. Try new things.
Take this year to do things you have never done before. Go to concerts, art shows, sports games, and have fun! Don’t take yourself too seriously.