21 New Year's Resolutions For 2021 That Have Nothing To Do With Your Weight
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21 New Year's Resolutions For 2021 That Have Nothing To Do With Your Weight

Be proud of your new quarantine body; it's the reason you've survived.

21 New Year's Resolutions For 2021 That Have Nothing To Do With Your Weight
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Oh, 2020, what a year it has been.

We are now nine months into quarantine, and to say it hasn't been good on our bodies would be an understatement. With gyms being shut down, the nervousness of going to a grocery store, and the little activity that working from home allowed, our bodies have definitely taken a break in 2020.

I'm sure that many of you, like myself, have put on a few pounds since March and with the New Year rolling around are setting your goals around weight loss in hopes of getting your pre-COVID body back. While I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I do like to be realistic, and the studies do not support your weight-loss resolutions.

Many studies show that around 48% of people who set New Year's resolutions wanted to lose weight, and less than 25% of those who set resolutions stay committed to them after only 30 days. That's crazy, right? Being someone who has set weight loss goals in the past just to be upset when it didn't happen, I wanted to help people not get that same feeling.

So, instead of focusing the new year on your weight, here are 21 non-weight loss related resolutions:

1. Save more money.

If this past year has taught us anything, it's that there is really no such thing as job security. That's why it's important to have at least a little money to fall back on incase everything goes awry. Make it your goal to put aside some money from each pay check or to save coins to cash in when you need them.

2. Quit bad habits.

Whether it's smoking, binge-drinking, or over-eating, your bad habit is most likely posing a threat to your health. If you've learned anything from 2020, it should be that good health is important, so why not make that a priority in the new year?

3. Read more.

Reading is a simple way of hitting two birds with one stone on this resolution list because it could become your new hobby. Most don't know, but reading frequently has many body/mind benefits like reducing stress, increasing vocabulary/comprehension, and helping our brains get ready for sleep.

So, instead of scrolling through social media before bed, pick up a book a read a few pages.

4. Find a new recipe to cook once a week.

Cooking became many people across the world's quarantine hobby. If you were one of those people, this might be the perfect resolution for you. It gives you a perfect excuse to cook, learn new cooking skills, and to try food you've never tried before. Cooking has also been proven to release stress, which makes this the perfect resolution in my mind!

5. Find a new hobby.

If quarantine has taught us anything, it's that we all need a hobby. If you are someone has still yet to something something that sparks passion in them, use the beginning of 2021 to try out a bunch of new things. You're bound to find something you like!

6. Limit social media time.

Social media has been the cause of stress in many of our lives this past year. Instead of letting history repeat itself, take 2021 to learn ways to limit your time spend on these apps. You will probably find that you feel so much better when you do.

7. Drink more water.

Sometimes we need small goals. Drinking more water is a simple task but comes with many benefits like boosting skin health, regulating body temperature, and helping to prevent headaches.

8. Focus more on your mental health.

2020 took a toll on everyone's mental health, so why not make 2021 the year to work on it? Start therapy, learn to mediate, or journal. Whatever it is, just make sure it's working for you!

9. Work on decluttering your life.

Most of us live a life full of unnecessary mess. This year, work on eliminating that mess by donating old clothes, cleaning out your fridge, or even organizing a single room in your house. You might be surprised at how much weight you feel lifted off your shoulders when you declutter your living spaces.

10. Start a skin care routine.

Having a daily skincare routine is not only healthy for your skin, but it can be therapeutic for your mind. A lot of people find that the time they spend doing their skincare routine helps them wind down or get ready for the day in a relaxing way.

11. Give yourself a new look.

Dye your hair the color you've wanted to since middle school. Finally get that tattoo you've been too scared to get. Try wearing different colors each each to see what you look best in. The new year is the best time to find a new you.

12. Start meal planning.

The main goal of 2021 should be to be less stressed. One big way to do this is to start meal prepping. This will not only make cooking easier throughout the week, but chances are you'll eat better when doing this as well. What a win-win.

13. Switch up your routine.

Instead of letting the boringness that was 2020 spill into 2021, switch it up a little bit.

14. Make it a habit to check up on friends and family frequently.

If 2020 did anything good for the world, it was that it made us more connected.

15. Learn a new word every day, and use it.

This is another resolution that is simple and will actually benefit you in the long run.

16. Explore new music.

If you're anything like me, you've been listening to the same artists since middle school. A fun and simple resolution for 2021 can be to just explore new music genres, artists, etc. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't, but at least you would have accomplished your resolution and you'll be more musically well-rounded.

17. Be more environmentally conscious. 

The beginning of the pandemic seemed to give our planet a chance to thrive again, so why not continue letting it? There are so many simple things we can do to help our planet, even just a little bit, like using reusable grocery bags and recycling.

18. Become more spiritual. 

For some people this means reading their bible more while for other it means doing yoga to calm their body and mind. Do whatever you do need to do to feel closer to the higher being you believe in.

19. Go on more walks.

You'd be surprised at how many benefits there are to going outside and walking frequently. Your vitamin D levels will rise and you'll be getting some exercise, which has a set of benefits on its own.

20. Learn to finish old projects before starting new ones.

We are all guilty of this. Having too much going on at once is a big stressor in many people's lives. That's why this year you should focus on only one project at a time, so that you can give your full energy to everything you do.

21. Be more grateful.

I think 2020 did a good job of making people realize that life and everything in it are precious, but that's not something we should leave in 2020. Try asking yourself each day what you are grateful for and maybe even write it down as a reminder of just how good you do have it.

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