1.) Wake Up smiling even if your not feeling it! I saw a tik tok that said if you wake up smiling 🙂 than your body will retrain your brain into waking up happy. It sounds silly and kinda dumb but it actually works! This is coming from personal experience.
2.) Cook More than you eat out. We all know that cooking is better for you than fast food or even going out to eat, but do you know why? Cooking meals makes you feel accomplished and satisfied especially for people who have depression. Cooking also brings people together Being surrounded at the dinner table with the ones you love and care about is a fulfilling way to end the day plus like I said it’s better for you.
3.) Read at the end of the day instead of watching TV Reading a good book brings a sense of comfort and peace before going to sleep as opposed to watching TV or a movie can make your brain stay awake longer. Going to sleep earlier makes your morning and day the next day go smoother.
4.) Take a Walk or Exercise within the first hour of being awake. Walks in the morning are the absolute best. Walks in the morning help get your blood flow going, increases your heart rate and increases serotonin. It makes makes a huge difference in your mood and how your day goes.
5.) Clean out your closet and your home! If you haven’t worn it or used it in 3 months your more than likely not going to again. Minimizing your home can be the easiest way to get organized.
6.) Get out of your comfort zone! Nothing good for you ever came from being comfortable. For the longest time I lived my life scared of change. I worried if changes would be harder than just living my life as it was and being comfortable. The truth is it is hard it’s the hardest thing in the world and scary too because your taking a chance not knowing how it’ll turn out but your in control of your life and how it goes. Taking a leap of faith is the best thing you can do for yourself and might just land you in a spot where your daydreams become your reality!