Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! This little yellow sponge has been bringing laughter and happiness to the world for almost twenty years. During my interview process to get into Wake Forest I was asked ‘If you could be any fictional character who would you be?’ I thought there was no one more amicable than Spongebob Squarepants; he has a positive outlook on life that resonates with everybody around him and he always knows how to get a laugh. Who better to describe how it really feels to attempt the most typical New Years Resolutions than this small square of happiness and hope.
It's January 1st when you are positive that you will stick to your resolution, whatever it is, and become your brightest and best self in the new year.

When you find a best friend who is going to do the same resolution as you so that you can build each other up and keep each other motivated.
Going to the gym with your best friend, devoted to getting your perfect body.

Failing miserably after two weeks and going to pig out with some junk food.

Getting mad at your best friend for not keeping you on track and not making you more disciplined.

Anytime you give up any kind of delicious food, drink, or guilty pleasure.

When you decide to commit to academics and focus as hard as you possibly can at school.

Realizing you will never surmount to anything academically and accepting your fate.

Trying to take on more than one resolution at once and getting a wee bit overwhelmed.

Seeking out an old friend that you had burned bridges with and giving a peace offering to try and make amends.

When you try to pick up a new hobby that your Grandma has always wanted to teach you such a sewing or knitting!

Finally accepting that telling yourself that your resolution is going well and will continue to go well is only in your...

Riding out the rest of the year completely content that you are not going to change and realizing you were already amazing before these resolutions.

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