The time has come, yet again, to make your New Years resolution. And what do they usually consist of? An improvement of some sort, a different point of view, a goal that seems reasonable. Well, take whatever idea you had for this year and throw it in the trash, because resolutions are the worst.
Nobody actually follows through with these, and you want to know why? We're lazy and forgetful. The last one I made was roughly three years ago, and I'm pretty sure I only made it until January 9 with keeping my resolution, and it was probably something like "think more positively" or "be happy" or some other load of crap. It's safe to say I don't make them anymore purely because I ran out of things to try and start — and also because I can't keep them past the first month. It's not like they aren't nice thoughts, but why wait for New Years to turn over a new leaf? Why not start today? Or tomorrow?
If your resolution is to be a better person, then you should start being a better person right now! No need to start it next year! Resolutions are, in my eyes, a means of justification. Instead of coming to terms with the fact that you're a glass half empty kind of person today, you say, "I'm going to start being a glass half full kind of person. . . next year." And when a person wants to start eating right and workout more, there's no need for you to start later, the best way to get things done is to start them ASAP.
Even though resolutions have poor executions, they're good plans. . . just in spirit.