By the time this article is published, it will most likely be a few days after New Year’s. As we open our arms to 2017, we face an inevitability that always comes with the ushering in of a new year: New Year’s Resolutions. If you haven’t already, I am sure than within the next few days, maybe a couple of weeks if your willpower is particularly vigorous, you will abandon the promises that you have made to yourself and continue whatever bad habits you amended to break.
Why do we continue this futile cycle of making resolutions, when so few of us actualize these plans to better ourselves? In short, people panic. Time trudges on, even when our lives do not. As December winds to a close, we realize that our lives are the same as they were a year ago. We are the still the same people with flaws and problems that have remained constant. When we realize that we are not as impressive as we think we should be, we scramble, and vow to advance our lives through resolutions born of fear and dissatisfaction.
Most resolutions, from wanting to lose weight to spending less money, are linked in that the people making them have the desire to improve their lives. However, the need to improve one’s life is not due to healthy encouragement, but the feeling that we have failed to meet expectations. We expect and assume that we should be be healthier, more economical, more social, and generally better than we currently are.
There are some solutions to New Year’s Resolutions. Instead of shaming ourselves for not meeting expectations and standards that have been established in our own minds, we can attempt to let go of these restrictions, and just accept our perceived shortcomings. Accepting yourself for who you are is not giving up; in fact, it is a freeing experience that allows you to be relieved of the pressure to be in a constant state of metamorphosis. Just being yourself lets you explore multiple avenues of change and improvement without your self-worth being tied to drastically changing who you are.
My next solution is to stop waiting until New Year's to make a life change. Hasty resolutions influenced by obligation and disappointment are surely doomed to fall through. January first may mark a new year, but the distinguishment of time has no value. You can choose to change your life at any time. So, instead of blindly making an insincere promise to change, invest in the decision to change your life if you genuinely want to. Plan, find motivation, form a support network, and be prepared for normal setbacks.
If you are intent upon making a New Year’s Resolution, I wish you the best of luck, and hope you encounter all of the success you aspire towards in 2017.