It's that time of year: time to start fresh, stop our bad habits, eat right, and finally use that gym membership we've had for six months. Why do we set these resolutions that we are only going to do until March or April at the latest? Let's face it--- we get busy, life throws us a curve-ball, and we stop. This year I'm taking a different approach.
2016 was not a good year for a lot of people, especially me. The only good thing that came out of this year was developing relationships with three very important people to me. However, the thing about bad years is there are only 365 days until the next one. Then you get to start all over again. Even though 2016 sucked, I think 2017 is going to be better. To make sure of that, I'm making New Years Resolutions that I can actually keep.
Life is all about learning. I've learned that life is always changing and so are we. There is nothing wrong with change...I've learned to accept that fact. There is also nothing wrong with wanted to change, or improve, yourself. This is what I'm going to do.
Towards the end of the year, I wanted something new. I wanted a fresh start. I dyed my hair, chopped off a few inches, decided to change my major, and to transfer schools. My resolutions for 2017 are just extensions of what I already changed. I refuse to be the person I was in 2016. And so, my resolutions are:
1. Be who I want to be. People are always going to disapprove of the choices you make or dislike who you are. Guess what? Screw them. You live your life for two people -- you and God. If He approves, who cares what other people think?
2. Don't let other people bring me down. I constantly worry about what other people think about me and once I stop, I will be infinitely happier with my life.
3. Be Confident. I have struggled for so long with my confidence and self-esteem. And this year I'm deciding to love myself for my flaws and all.
4. Forgive and Forget. I've been hurt a lot this year. It has made me mad and bitter. I don't want to be this bitter woman who is holding a grudge when she is forty years old from when she was eighteen years old. I am forgiving those who did me wrong and cleansing my life of all bitterness.
5. Asking for Forgiveness. I am no saint. I have made my mistakes. I am asking the Lord for forgiveness for the sins I have made, as well as forgiveness to the people I may have wronged this year.
New Year's Resolutions are just a way for us to try a set goals for us to better ourselves. Instead of making resolutions we are not going to keep, let's set some we can actually do----some that are really going to impact the way we see ourselves, and the way others see us.